Chapter 1

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    The instinct to get away as soon as possible is overwhelming. Fear and adrenaline pump through the veins of the male as he runs through the wilderness. His wolf is whimpering inside him; wanting to help but to do so would mean breaking most of their bones and probably dying. Does it really matter though? No matter how fast and how skilfully he hides his scent to lose his pursuer, he still couldn't seem to put enough distance between them. Who is he kidding anyway? Not a single soul ever managed to survive if the hellhound is the one hunting them. Not a single one. He should not fear him, but after witnessing firsthand the terror and how easily he wiped out 5 of the biggest packs in the world by himself; he has every right to be terrified.

    A low chuckle reached his ears. It's almost inaudible and seems very far away but it still managed to send shivers all over his body. He could feel the intensity of this predator's stare in his back and he knew that he's seconds away from death.

    "Come on! Run faster!" he urges himself but with a broken thigh and cracked ribs, it will take a miracle to survive this. His chances of survival are very low but he needs to warn them. Darkness is fast approaching and they need to prepare. They need to be prepared or this will be the end of not only their species but the whole world.

    He needs to warn them and he'll die trying. Goddess let him be alive long enough to warn them.

    "Little birdie..." that deep, raspy voice of the devil spoke. "Poor little birdie...on the ground...with broken wings..." the male gulped, running faster as sweat drenches his body and his blood leaving metallic trails behind him. Damn it, run faster! "Poor birdie couldn't fly...away..." a dark chuckle resounded that makes him panic even more. He's close. He can feel it. The hellhound is close. Fuck this! He needs to get away!

    "Birdie birdie birdie...the cat is out of the away now...before he pounces..." his heart dropped. Bright but sinister golden-yellow eyes watch him ahead. The tall, broad, and no doubt muscular silhouette of a man awaits him in the heavy shadows of the wild. He staggered. He was sure he was behind him. He was sure the hellhound was behind him. But why...h-how is he in front of him that fast? How...this is not possible! He couldn't have been faster than him. He has 5 hours head start before the hellhound came to pursue him. He couldn't have been faster. This is...impossible.

    His heart could not stop pounding. Moisture left his mouth and throat, Sweat drenched him. It's too late now. He's here...

    An evil gleaming smile appeared on fanged mouth as the golden-yellow eyes gleam even brighter and the atmosphere turned chill. "Too late, little birdie..." with that, the shadow lunged and a loud scream resounded though the night.


    "Aaaaaaaahhhhh!" Decker couldn't help screaming in both frustration and fear. His Alpha is at it again, throwing tantrums just because he saw two mated wolves going on their merry day. What's the big deal then? His Alpha is bitter because even after 50 years of looking around the world for his mate, he still couldn't find her. His alpha would not admit that though. He's too prideful to do so even though it's obvious for the whole pack.

    "How many fucking times do I have to tell the fucking pack to keep the PDA to a minimum?!" A set of darts flew towards Decker and he let out a surprised squeak before ducking. The darts missed him by a hair's width. "Alpha I don't think you really cou-" a 1 million dollar worth phone flew this time. "Who the fuck said I couldn't?! I'm the alpha! I protect, provide, and lead this pack to success and a brighter future and all I ask in return is to not show PDA in front of me! Is that too fucking much to ask?!" Odin Gray roared, swiping at his desk and breaking a lot of materials in the process.

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