Chapter 5

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    "Congratulations finding you mate, alpha. But sadly, you'll have to go seeing as you're mated to the hellhound."

Odin would just love to lunge at this filthy elder and give him a taste of hell but the dozens of guns pointed his way and a lot more targeting him from the outside denied him that pleasure. One wrong move and he's dead and his pack will fall. He can't have that. He cursed. Trapped and targeted in his territory? He can't believe his luck. Then again, he didn't have any in the first place.

He masked his rage. "Congratulations volunteering to be killed easily. It seems that I have my work cut out for me." He threw back.

Elder Ken sneered at him before composing himself. "Your bark is much worse than your bite now alpha. You're out numbered."

Odin scoffed. "Is that why you hide behind your precious kittens? Such a shame...seeing as you're a respected elder, I thought you'd be more exciting to kill than be offered in a golden platter. What does that tell you, elder?"

An eye twitched at this elders face. "Nice try alpha but that 'riling me up' trick won't work on me."

Odin laughed. His deep baritone voice echoing around the place like a devil was mocking them with his laugh. "I'm not even trying, elder. But you're already riled up. I'll bet your sagging cock that you'll shit yourself if I even exert a tiny effort. Wouldn't be that fun?" he smiled with his fangs glinting and his wolf greeting from his eyes. He could feel his eyesight turn 50 times sharper and he immediately took note of the sweat beading the elders' foreheads.

"Both of you argue like dumb kids." A voice spoke somewhere from the right that had a growl tumbling out of Odin's chest. Elder Mackley stood at the kitchen entrance eyeing an antique cup that his mother is very fond of. Seeing that in the elder's hands makes him angrier than he was before. First, they polluted his territory with their scent and now, they're touching things that mean a lot to him and his family and pack. That's a fucking huge disrespect mocking him in the face.

"But you sound like a moron." Was Odin's gritted rebut.

Mackley only sighed in response. "You know, I expected a lot from you Alpha-"

"Do I look like I care?"

"Gray." Mackley gave him a passive-irritated look. "You could've been a great alpha, perhaps greater than your ancestors. Perhaps you could've even earned the forgiveness of the world from your ancestors' actions. It's truly disappointing to witness your fall from grace." Odin scoffed at that. He didn't fall. He just cut ties with these devils. "It's no wonder the goddess cursed you by giving you a male as a mate." Odin growled and started to take a step towards him as Mackley gave him a smug look but a bullet flying too close to his face halted him. His silvery-gray eyes flashed darker in anger as his head snapped towards the trees where an enforcer is pointing a rifle at him. He flashed his fangs at him with an unspoken threat that has the enforcer gulping before Odin turned his attention back to the elder he hates the most.

Mackley only smiled at him in mock sympathy that burns Odin's hatred towards the elder even hotter. Odin hates manipulative and fake people and Mackley is the epitome of it. He's the reason the seed of doubt was planted inside his pack; making his pack members doubt his abilities to lead them along with making them fear him.

"He'!" Odin barked angrily, about to lunge again but this time; an arrow lodged itself in his calf; making him lose his balance and for his strength to leave him as the wolfsbane in the arrow spreads through his veins.

Chuckles resounded around him as he was forced to kneel by his rapidly weakening body. He could feel the wolfsbane pumping rapidly inside him. He's not sure what type it is but it seems potent enough to weaken him so quickly. He has no doubt it's one of those illegal types and the fact that the council is using them makes him thankful that he cut his ties with these bastards. Mackley's sinister face appeared in front of him looking smug at his no doubt paling complexion. "That's not what my enforcers told me. After all, the hellhound is not known to be a liar."

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