Chapter 6

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    It's been a year since his beta looks close to happy around him that he couldn't bring himself to admit that he only decided to go back to the city because he was driven out by his own father instead of his beta's "amazing and irresistible persuasion skills" as he calls it. It only dampens Odin's mood even more seeing as it confirmed his words that they are indeed trying to get rid of him despite his beta's best efforts to keep his excitement in check. Well, fucking congratulations! He thought bitterly but he's too tired to even ponder and react completely about it. He has pressing matters to attend to and he needs all his brain cells' help.

"Don't forget about the alliance with Poseidon's Shipping Company, Alpha. Our worldwide businesses need them. It will make shipping from country to country easier and we can also save up enough money for that Titanic ship that is almost the same as the Titanic in that Titanic movie..." Odin rubbed his head to ease the headache from his beta's endless rambling. It's a sign that he's excited and once again, Odin feels like an outcast.

"There's also a bit problem with the human laws because apparently buying a ship from another country and voyaging through their seas are forbidden now and..." he spaced off after that. He appreciates his beta's attempt to distract him but he's too tired to focus. Add the fact that he didn't sleep all night just made his exhaustion worse. Worse part of it all, he had a nightmare of the hellhound claiming him in front of the whole pack. He remembered waking up in cold sweat and a pounding heart. The fear he felt that time was so indescribable and overwhelming he stayed frozen in his bed with a pounding heart until the sun rose. After that, he went to check up on the pack to make sure they're ok and as usual, he still received those doubtful and wary reactions. He even made a public apology for accidentally taking in a spy and the pack's eyes all screamed the word "hypocrite" from their gazes but none dared to say it out loud. And now that he's living, he could already feel the tension of the pack loosening and it reminds him why he preferred to stay in the city lately.

"After tidying things up-" Odin grimaced at his beta's wording "tidying" because once again he was reminded of his mistake. He was so concerned of saving someone in need that he let logic escape him. "-Mandy and I could come down there and help you with the business so you won't get too stressed and you'll also have time to look for your mate. I'm sure you're itching to look for her-"

"Stop." He sighed as he and his beta walks towards the limo that would be taking him back to the city.

"Stop talking? Or stop talking about your potential mate? Or did you mean stop reporting or-"

"Just shut up!" Odin snapped; his temper flaring again at the very reminder of being cursed with a male as a mate. He shouldn't be taking this out on his beta but his self-control is already stretched too thin. He's already at the verge of going feral.

"Oh ok..." his beta's cheerful self deflated and a pang of guilt reached Odin. He opened his mouth to apologize but he hesitated upon seeing his father's harsh glare in front. His father's words during his training as an alpha echoed in his mind.

"An Alpha never apologizes." So Odin swallowed his apology down.

Pausing in front of the former Alpha who is standing beside the limo, Odin nodded his head at his father as a sign of respect and farewell before opening the door himself and closing it. He didn't bother expecting any form of affection from his father since he's always been that way.

As the limo pulls away from the pack house's driveway and out of the territory, Odin took the scenery in like it will be the last time he'll be seeing his pack. If only he knew how right that feeling was.


Odin instantly knew he entered the city's premises the very moment he hinted smoke in the air. It's a familiar scent but foreign at the same time; familiar because he's been inhaling that scent for the last 50 years and foreign because it's not the scent of home – of nature. Instead of trees obstructing the view of the clear blue sky, tall and gleaming buildings replaced it instead. The sound of nature's lullaby was now replaced by the rock music of the city's bustle. Humans, shifters, and supernaturals alike hustle through the streets for their everyday routine. More trees and plants fill the cities now unlike the almost a hundred years ago when humans are still the known dominant specie and filled the world with their pollution. When the supernaturals came out of hiding, nature conservation was taken more seriously and enforced strictly. But even with best efforts; centuries' worth of pollution cannot be taken away that easily. At least people treat nature a bit better now than before. The supernaturals would hate using force in order to protect nature but if necessary, they won't hesitate to do it.

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