7.First Mission

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Izuku's PoV

I was sat at the bar eating my breakfast like i do every morning, when Shigaraki said he had some news for me. He wanted to meet me in the backroom after i finish eating, and told Toga that i would be late for training today. I had been training with her for the past month, as she has been teaching on how to use many different types of knives, and not just the single one Dabi had given me to use.

I quickly finish my food (as Shigaraki doesn't like to be kept waiting) and headed into the backroom. Shigaraki was sat in the same seat he did when I first came in this room. The tv was at the end of the table like always. I sat opposite Shigaraki, and waited for him to make his next move.

"You will go to UA, and be a spy for us. You will get in the top class." He ordered me.

"And you want me to do that without a quirk? Ok." I spoke, and stood up to leave.

"Actually we want to give you a quirk, we wanted to know if you had a preference."  His voice seeming to get even more uninterested as he went on.

"Fire or levitation based." I answered quickly. I could see he was already fed up with this conversation.

He gave me a simple nod, and stood from his chair. I did the same, thinking he would come get me in a few days, when he motioned me to follow him out of the room. I slowly followed him the way i went when i go to train, and we go through the door opposite the one i usually use. I wasn't usually aloud in here.

Slightly curious to what might entail in this room, i follow him inside. And nothing could of prepared me for what i just saw. There were wires all across the floor. Giant cylinders lined the walls of the dark room. The only light in the room was from the slight green glow that would occasionally radiate from some of the wires. And a big shadow of a man sat in the middle of it all.

"Come here my boy." The shadow spoke.

With the training i got, i wouldn't usually actually go up to the man, as that would be stupid. In this occasion i did, as Shigaraki lead me to him, and his voice sounded slightly familiar. I cautiously walked towards the man, and stood in front of the tall man. From this close i could see that he was actually kind of ugly.

"Midoriya, son, I heard you're going on a mission and need my help." His voice boomed.

I nearly stepped back, from the shock of his loud-ish tone and the wave that came with it. I slightly nod my head confused. I didn't know i needed his help, but if he says i do, then i do. I might have a lot of training, but Shigaraki seems to be on his side, and i don't think i can compete with the whole league.

A smile, almost identical to the creepy one Shigaraki would do when he has thought of a plan, spread across his face. I don't know if he knew my response, as he didn't seem to have any eyes, but the next response he gave made me certain, some how he knew i nodded my head.

"Come hither, you need to be in contact with me for this to work. Levitation was it?" He finished with a question.

"Yes sir." I spoke with a strong tone so he would know that i wasn't scared of him, but still respected him.

I walked closer to said man, and stood proud in front of him. I don't want him to regret letting me stay here to train, and not end up giving me a quirk. He placed one of his abnormally large hands on my shoulder, and i automatically kneel to the ground. Not because his pushed me down, but from the amount of pain that was flowing through me.

My legs couldn't help but buckle under the pain he was giving me. I tried to fog the pain from my brain and focus on my breathing, but then my lungs started to heat up. I would focus on my hand, and then it would start to have a mind of it's own and start to freak out, moving like it was having a seizure.

Then the pain just vanished. It was there one second, and gone the next. I took as many deep breathes as i could before i would pass out, and then focused my attention on the man in front of me again. I'm not quite sure if I'm right, but he almost seemed almost proud with me.

"You're the first to not faint after i use this quirk on them. I'm impressed." He spoke with so much certainty.

I couldn't stop the smile that made it's way onto my face with the words he spoke. He was impressed with me. I'm the first at something, and he's impressed. I couldn't hold back the joy that those words gave me.

"If that's all boy, i wish u look on your mission." He dismissed me.

I give him a respective and thankful bow, before leaving the room, with Shigaraki following behind me. Once we were outside the room, Shigaraki gave me his orders on how my training will change to accommodate this quirk i was given. The training will be as vigorous as when i started, because it's like starting at square one.

He let me go to my room, while i was still on brake. He also told me that my new training wouldn't start immediately, as he needs to find a suitable person to train me on the quirk i was given. We don't have anyone in the league who has this kind of power, so this might take a hot sec for him to do.

I sit in my room and collapse on my bed. Almost immediately, Toga comes running into my room, to hang out with me on my break, like she always does. I release a sigh at the sight of her, and lay my head back down on my pillows. I really can't be arsed to deal with her right now. I just want sleep.

"Izuku~ darling. Let me paint your nails again. We can listen to whatever music you want~." She tries to persuade me.

With a grunt, i sit up from my previous laying position. I pick my phone up, and turn on youtube. I click some random video that has a picture of an anime character, and looks to be an hour or so long. Music that I'm familiar starts to play, and i place my phone on my bed.

I look over at Toga (who is basically bouncing with excitement and anticipation) and give her a nod. She releases a squeal from her throat, and runs off to her room to go collect the necessities needed for this activity. When she comes back, i face drastically paled, compared to my naturally sickly pale skin tone.


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