24.A New World

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Izuku's PoV

With the Symbol of Peace pronounced dead, havoc reached all of Tokyo. Villains came out of the shadows and committed crimes more in the open. They formed groups, and every day civilians knew of them, and could even join them if they tried. Japan was changing, all because one man had died.

The heroes were trying to make it seem like everything was okay, and that the heroes that they had, were just as good as All Might, and that nothing should change, but their words were empty, as the crime rate in every city increased ten folds.

Rival crime groups fought in the streets, and the civilians would either cheer from the windows, or run into the basement and hide, not wanting to get caught up in it. Everything was different and i was the reason for it. I had made Japan change, and i was loving it.

Nothing can make you feel more empowered then starting a revolution that actually happens. Street rules had become the new laws, no one listening to the piece of paper that old rich white guys had made all those years ago, that shouldn't be valid anymore.

The League of Villains were seen as a form of royalty. We were treated with respect, and our story was told to every new villain formed. Our tale told to children in school. Heroes were seen as nothing. If you were a hero, or had any dream to be a hero, you were gone, taken care of, vanished.

Obviously we didn't kill children, as that was one thing that i could not stand. That was found out when a paedophile tried to enter our ranks, and sounded really proud of himself when mentioning his acts. He was publicly executed, and it was said on live tv, that no harm should come to children. If any form of harm came to them, then they wouldn't know what hit them.

Children were seen a sacred. The people of the future. They needed to learn what the new world would become, and treating them like shit, would only push them to start a revolution against us, just to spite us. There would be no real reason for it, as being a villain  has no negative qualities.

Sometimes heroes would try to revolt, but they were shut up immediately. All hero schools were turned into training facilities, and all the students were locked up, until they either agreed with our teachings, or were old enough to be killed. All heroes that were killed, were done within the public eye.

It was used as a way to show other heroes that they didn't stand a chance, and to also serve as entertainment to everyone else. Sometimes we would even put them into a ring with each other and make them fight to the death, like some gladiators. It would be thrilling to say the least. Everything was going perfectly, and there was nothing that was going to change. This was how the world should be.

I was currently in a meeting in how we were going to make the world ours. We had only concurred Japan, and we needed to decide our next move. Yes we could stop here, but it would only take so long, before another country comes over here, and tries and makes it 'right' again.

We decided to start of small, and gain some wins to boost a confidence, and then build up. With that in mind, we hit Taiwan. Our army being the higher Mafia groups, but never sending our best. I couldn't loose them in war, i cared for them too much. The plan was to then take the Philippines, then Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and so on, until we make our way up to China.

It was going to work as long as we keep to the plan. My strategies always work, as long as we follow it to a T. The meeting was soon ended, and we made our way back to our own places. We no longer lived in one building together,  no longer needing to hide. I lived with Kacchan in a lovely two story house.

It had three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, living room, office, and laundry room. It had an attic and basement that we didn't really use. It was nice and modern, just like were Kacchan used to live with his parents. I picked it out just because of that reason. Wanting him to love it just as much as i do.

Kacchan doesn't really leave the  house unless it's to go to the shop, which makes me a little sad, because we're stated in a prime area of Tokyo, so there was lots to do, but he always said the same thing when i asked about it.

"I'm a housewife, I'm not meant to leave the house." He always said.

That answer always changed my mood instantly. Him thinking of himself as my wife, just did something for me. I didn't really know what, but i loved it. If he didn't want to leave the house except for wifely duties, then who was i to question. He only wanted me to see him, and i wasn't complaining. He was mine, so really why should anyone else see him.

With the thought of my love on my mind, i drove home. I might not be the legal age to drive, but they were the old rules, now i can just fucking drive home. I don't want to have to walk all the way back. As usual when i got back, i was met with the smell of a lovely homecooked meal. I entered the kitchen, and found myself standing behind my love, with my arms around his waist, kissing along his neck when.

"I want a kid." He stated.

I froze.

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