3.Base and Boss

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Izuku's PoV

Did I just hear this man correctly. Did he just say that if I help him, he will get Kacchan to realise his feelings. This guy can't be serious. All he needs is me to join his little group, and Kacchan will love me. I can't see a reason not to join him. What's the worst that could happen?

"What does this league of yours do?" I asked.

Yes, I'll get all the information I can from this man, and then I can make a level headed decision on what the best cause of action is.

"We sell alcohol and guns, and kill those that interfere. But our main goal is to kill All Might." The mist informed me.

"Simple enough. Okay I'll join. I'm guessing this is illegal with the killing, so will I have to stay with you?" I asked.

"Yes it risks the threat of our whereabouts being found to a minimum." I get told.

"Lead the way Shiggy." I say walking in front of him.

"It's Shigara- never mind. Kurogiri, warp." He spoke.

Before I could ask what that meant, I was encased with the same purple surroundings as before. I now new that it was mist, and that I wasn't dying from it, but I had no idea where it was taking me. I would just stress myself out more if i tried to fathom what was going on, so i just let the world be.

When I felt solid ground below me, I looked around the area I had landed in. It looked just like an ordinary bar . There were people in booths drinking what i could only presume to be alcohol, and some at the bar front just chatting to each other.

I'm really starting to think that these people aren't very serious villains. Then again no one is going to want to drink their alcohol if they look like they're doing illegals activities. This is probably just a front that they put on.


I get taken out of my thoughts when Shigaraki told me to follow him through the door behind the bar. I was hesitant to go through. I didn't know these people, they could be doing some shit that i didn't previously agree to.

That thought stayed in the back of my mind as i walked through those doors. I am by no means strong or have any way to protect myself, but I've gone beyond the point of no return. They won't let me leave now if I ask.

When we do walk through the doors, we walk into. Fairly large room, with a long table in the middle. At the head on the table was a telly with the words 'audio only' across the bottom. Oh how mysterious. I look around the room some more, but there wasn't really anything to take note of.

Nothing except the door of the side of the room, and that the room didn't have any windows. It had bright white lights in the middle of the ceiling, lighting up the otherwise dark room. I walk over to the other door, and reach for the handle, when i get shouted at.

"No." Shigaraki shouted at me with a very stern voice.

His tone alone sent shivers down my spine, never mind the memories that came back with how he was speaking to me. I quickly stepped back from the door, and held both my hands up in a surrender type pose.

"You can go in there once we have a meeting with my Sensei. Sit." Shigaraki told me.

Everything that left his mouth sounded like an order. Not to mention how his bright red eyes bore into me, as if asking me to try him. I didn't want to disobey my boss when i had only just been accepted mere minutes ago. I wasn't going to go against him, so that look is totally unnecessary.

His look was intimidating, but nothing compared to Kacchan.

I take a seat three seats down the table on the left, since that side was closer to the door, and where i was just stood. I was sat opposite Kurogiri, and Shigaraki sat one seat closer to his 'Sensei'.

"Sensei, i brought someone here the person you were looking for." Shigaraki spoke.

Did i just hear this guy right. Did he say that they were looking for me. I thought that they had just saw me jumping off of the school building, and just saved me. I mean they are villains, if they saw someone jumping from a tall building, they would probably just leave them be. Damn I'm unlucky.

"Ah so Izuku is in the room with you?" The tv/Sensei spoke.

"I am sir, may i ask why you requested for me? You don't have to obviously, I'm just very curious an- " I started to ramble, before being cut off by the telly.

"I will answer your questions all in good time child, but first i have a few of my own." His televised voice gruffly spitted out.

"Oh. Go ahead. I'll tell you anything you want to know." I answered back.

"First just some yes or no questions. Is it true your quirkless?" He started to ask his questions.


"Is it true you would do anything for your love Katsuki?"


"Do you have a good relationship with your mum?"



"Left when i was young."

He continued to ask me a vary of different questions. At some point we changed from yes or no question, and into some more complex questions. This went on for what i could only describe as hours.

"That's all Izuku, thank you. Your training to be a villain will start on Monday."

"Welcome to the league, Tomura will take it from here." Was the last this the tv man said before it switched off.

Shigaraki stood up from the set he was sat in, and walked over to the door i was previously interested in. He opened it with a key, and then just walked. He didn't call for me or anything, just presumed i would follow.

Lucky for him i did. When i walked through the door, i was met with a stairway. I went up them. When i reached the top of the dark wooden stairs, Shigaraki was waiting at a room, holding the door open.

"This is yours, you will stay here until you are summoned. No exceptions." Were his last words before he left down the stairs again.

"Just like home. Here i thought it would be hard to adjust. Luck may be on my side after all." I spoke to myself, as i walked into the room, and closed the door behind me.

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