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Izuku's PoV

A week or so has passed, and school has been nothing but boring. At least I'm not being bullied everyday. The only downside to this is that I'm getting less attention from my love. All he does is focus on his studies, or yells all the time.

It's not as if he has any friends to hang out with other than me, but he just doesn't. It's like i don't even exist anymore, and it's starting to make me pissed off. I don't know how much more i can take of this. He's so close, yet he is acting like we're in completely different continents.

Currently I'm sat at a table with Hitoshi, Uraraka, and Todoroki. I don't even want Uraraka to sit with me, she annoys me to no end, but she lingers like a bad smell. Todoroki, i have no idea why he sits with us, but i don't mind. He usually just sits and eats, not saying a word. He's pretty chill, and i think Hitoshi likes him quite a lot. They usually just stare at each other once they had eaten all their food.

Suddenly, a noise rang out in the cafeteria alerting everyone in the vicinity that something was wrong. The teachers started telling us all to leave the building, and make our way out to the field. When i walked passed the teachers, i could hear then whispering to each other about an intruder.

Oh? How interesting. I was going to enter the corridor, but it was so crowded, that even if the building was burning down, i would choose the pits of hell over that. That many sweaty teenagers in one cramped space, no thank you. Death seems like a much more appealing option right about now. Thinking about my options, i walk down a corridor that wouldn't lead outside, and subsequently, no one was there.

Hitoshi was behind me, as he never leaves my side. We walk round in with the sounds of screaming children echoing in the background. i pull Hitoshi next to me, and walk hand in hand, just waiting for everything to calm down. It's only an intruder, so I doubt anything was going to happen, and if it does, then i had Hitoshi, not to mention I'm heavily trained.

We had been walking for a while, when we heard some voices coming from the direction we were walking to. Hitoshi came to a stop, and just looked at me, silently questioning me. I roll my eyes, and pull his arm, wanting to see who it was. This was the most interesting that has happened all week, I'm invested now.

We continue to walk, listening intently, trying to find exactly where the words were coming from. Then we found them, they were behind the Headteachers door. A giant smile was placed of my face once i knew they were there. I put up two fingers to Hitoshi, and motioned towards the door. I then held up three fingers, and slowly went down to two, then one, before we slammed the door open, and both pinned two people down when we got in.

When i caught my breathe, i looked up to see if there were more people, to see a surprising face. A guy with shaggy blue hair, chapped lips, and a shocked face was looking at me. When i saw that the person i had pinned to the floor was Toga, i started to snicker to myself. How was it that easy to take down two people from the league.

I looked over to Hitoshi, and saw that he had Dabi pinned. In doing so, he had a slight pink tinted to his cheeks, and Dabi gave him a smirk. Hitoshi soon stood to his feet, and helped pull Dabi up as well. I kissed Toga on her forehead, before i did the same. I looked back up at Shigaraki to see that now he was now sporting an annoyed face.

My hand reached behind my head, and i gave him an apologetic look. In my defence, if he told me that he was doing this, i could of helped. He wouldn't of even needed to come in, i would of got the records myself. Well that what it looks like he wants, with those cabinets. He let an annoyed breathe, before continuing looking through the different files.

We all stand there silently, waiting for something to happen, when Shigaraki breaks the silent with a grunt of glee. He rushes over to the headteacher's desk, and places the file down. We all crowd around the desk, and look at the pages. Shigaraki tells us that the school had planed for mine and Hitoshi's class to go on a little field trip to some training facility.

Shigaraki took out his phone, and started to take pictures of the pages he deemed relevant. He then quickly placed the file back where he found it, and told everyone we had to leave. Me and Hitoshi split from the LoV, and made it back to the cafeteria, to see the it was now cleared. We walked out of the school, and onto the field where everyone else in the school was waiting, and silently merged in.

We heard Aizawa shouting our names, and put our hands up, shouting that we were here. He had an angry look, and asked why we didn't answer earlier, but just claimed we couldn't hear over everyone else. He didn't seem to buy it, but being as tired as he was, just went with it.

The alarms soon stopped, and the Nezu, the headteacher of the school, told everyone that it was just the press. At hearing that, i looked over at Hitoshi to see that he was looking at me as well, and gave each other the look. They soon sent everyone back inside, and it was as hectic as before. Everyone was just trying to get to class, but no one was too excited about, except maybe Iida. What a weirdo.

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