The Flasher

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"I need to use the restroom," Deok Sun announced as she got up from the table.

She made her way to the back of the restaurant, and instantly felt a chill run up her spine as she walked the long, empty hallway to the restroom. This place was creepy. No wonder there were rumors that a flasher was lurking in this hallway.

All of a sudden, time seemed to slow down as a man in a long trench coat emerged from the end of the hallway. Deok Sun froze and her eyes widened in horror as the man slowly opened his coat.

Suddenly, Deok Sun felt a strong pair of arms spin her around. With just that single touch, she knew exactly who it was and she buried her face in his strong chest. She felt his hand on her head and his arm across her back, holding her tightly to him.

"Get away from here!" Jung Hwan's strong voice rumbled in his chest and Deok Sun shut her eyes as she heard a maniacal laugh behind her. She wrapped her arms around Jung Hwan's waist as she felt her body shaking from head to toe.

"Did you see anything?" he asked worriedly as he held her, and she shook her head. She felt his sigh of relief and his arms tightening around her.

"Don't worry, you're safe now," he murmured in her ear as he stroked her hair gently and held her. She couldn't help the tears that rolled down her cheeks as she buried her face deeper in his chest.

Jung Hwan felt his chest tighten when he realized Deok Sun was crying. Thank goodness he had decided to follow her, since he had heard the rumors about the flasher. He didn't think twice about grabbing her to him. He didn't care that she might hear his heart thundering in his chest right now. What mattered was he needed to keep her safe.

"Let's get you some fresh air," he said and he started to pull away, but Deok Sun tightened her hold around his waist and shook her head.

"Please, just hold me a little longer?" her voice was muffled against his chest. Their shoulders rose and fell as he took a deep breath, then he wrapped his arms around her tightly. Jung Hwan couldn't help it, he liked holding her. He tucked her head under his chin and breathed in her scent. He knew this moment could come to an end any minute now, so he closed his eyes to savor every last second he held her in his arms.

Finally, it felt like Deok Sun had calmed down. Keeping his arms around her, he pulled away just enough to look at her. "Do you feel better now?" he asked, his forehead furrowed in worry.

Deok Sun looked up at Jung Hwan and saw the worry in his eyes. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized how tightly they were holding on to each other, and how close his face was to hers. Without breaking their gaze, she nodded. "Thanks to you," she said softly.

They stood that way for a while longer, their arms around each other, both seemingly reluctant to let go. Jung Hwan stared into her eyes. "Deok Sun, I--"

"What's taking you guys so long?" they heard Dong Ryo's voice call out and they sprang apart, jumping away from each other.

Dong Ryo peered into the hallway, "There you are! We're going for karaoke, c'mon!"

Jung Hwan turned to follow Dong Ryo, but froze when he felt Deok Sun slip her hand in his.

"Jung Hwan."

He turned to her and met her gaze as she asked, "What was it you were about to say?"

His heart was hammering in his chest as he debated whether or not to go through with it.

He stared into her wide, earnest, beautiful eyes, and took a deep breath. "I'll always keep you safe," he said, his voice coming out huskier than he intended.

She nodded slowly, solemnly. "I know," she replied, and gave his hand a squeeze.

"Now let's go for some karaoke!"

And she didn't let his hand go.

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