After School Hangout

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Jung Hwan tied his shoelace for the nth time, then glanced at the gate.

"What's taking her so long?" he thought in exasperation as he untied the shoelace again. 

He tied it as slowly as he possibly could, and concealed a small smile when he heard the gate open.

His smile turned into shock as he took in the sight of her bare legs in front of him.

He straightened up, and Deok Sun looked at him in surprise. "Oh, you're still here," she said.

"I overslept," he replied, taking in Deok Sun's short denim skirt and jacket.

"You're going to freeze in that skirt. Aren't you cold?" he asked, trying not to let the concern creep into his voice.

She shook her head, "I'm going to Apgujeong with my friends after school today. I have to dress up, at least."

He sighed then said, "Let's go, we're going to be late."

But all throughout the bus ride to school and the entire day, Jung Hwan was haunted by the image of Deok Sun in her short denim skirt. It was the middle of winter. She was really going to freeze to death in that skirt.

Cursing at himself the entire way, Jung Hwan finally pushed his way into the McDonalds at Apgujeong and found Deok Sun and her friends at a table. They stared up at him in shock, as if it was their first time seeing a guy. Jung Hwan was starting to regret his decision to come, when Deok Sun suddenly took his hand and pulled him down to the chair beside her.

Jung Hwan hardly knew what Deok Sun and her friends were talking about as they chatted and laughed over the meal he bought for all of them, as he was acutely aware of how Deok Sun was sitting so close to him, her arm brushed against his occasionally.

"I want another burger," Deok Sun declared as she bit out of the one in her hand. 

"You haven't even finished that one yet! You're being greedy," Jung Hwan scolded her, "Eat first and then order more."

Deok Sun looked at him with puppy-dog eyes, and he tried to resist her charm as he said, "You always think with your stomach, not your brain. You have no sense of self-control."

She kept looking at him pleadingly until he finally relented, "Just get the burger and a Coke, okay?" She nodded happily then got up to place her order at the counter.

Deok Sun's two friends were looking at him with so much interest that it made him uncomfortable, and he quickly excused himself to go to the restroom.

The rest of the afternoon went by like a blur, until finally Jung Hwan and Deok Sun were sitting side by side on the bus, on their way home.

"It's cold," Deok Sun complained as she rubbed her knees rapidly.

"I told you so," Jung Hwan said as he shrugged off his jacket.

"What--" Deok Sun stopped as Jung Hwan gently laid his jacket across her lap, then crossed his arms across his chest and closed his eyes.

Deok Sun stared at him, feeling the warmth of his jacket on her legs, suddenly aware of how warm his body felt sitting next to her.

Even if she was feeling warm all over, Deok Sun mustered up the courage to tap Jung Hwan on the arm. He opened one eye to look at her, and she whispered, "I'm still cold."

Deok Sun waited in anticipation to see what Jung Hwan would do, and her heart leapt when she watched him heave an exasperated sigh, then she felt him lift his arm and drape it around her shoulder. He pulled her close until she was nestled against his side, and Deok Sun felt her knees turn to jelly.

Jung Hwan closed his eyes again as his heart hammered in his chest. He could hardly believe it, that Deok Sun was practically snuggling against his side. He wanted so badly to keep his arm draped casually around her shoulder, as if it was nothing, but he held her tightly, almost possessively instead.

Deok Sun's hand shook slightly as she slipped it into her purse and pulled out her Walkman. She played the cassette tape and put one earbud into her ear. Holding the other earbud in her hand, she then looked up at Jung Hwan, then carefully slipped it into his ear.

Jung Hwan kept his eyes closed, but felt a jolt of electricity as he felt Deok Sun's finger touch his ear. As he listened to the music from her Walkman, Jung Hwan finally opened his eyes and saw Deok Sun looking up at him in wonder.

They stared into each other's eyes, each trying to figure out what the other was thinking, what was going on, and what all of these new feelings might mean.

Finally, Jung Hwan reached out his other hand and gently nudged Deok Sun's head to his shoulder. She leaned in, and surprised him by wrapping an arm around his waist. He adjusted his jacket on her lap, then they both closed their eyes and let the music and warmth envelop them on their way home.

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