Crab-Leg Dance

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"If a girl does the crab-leg dance in front of you, she doesn't see you as a man."

Jung Hwan sighed as Dong Ryo's words echoed in his mind.

He stared in dismay as Deok Sun danced the crab-leg dance in front of all of them. Whatever he thought was happening between them, this was the proof that he had imagined it all.

He sighed heavily and cupped his chin in his hand as he watched her flapping and flailing away.

And then he noticed it.

She was looking right at him.

She caught his eye, then wriggled her eyebrows as she knocked her knees together in some move he couldn't even begin to describe. She looked so ridiculous, he couldn't help a small smile.

Instantly, her face brightened and she smiled widely as she flapped about, her movements even more exaggerated.

"I like seeing you smile," Deok Sun's voice suddenly came back to him.

He stared at her in wonder. Could it be...?

She was totally hamming it up as she pointed at Sun Woo, then Dong Ryo, then Taek, then right at him.

This time, as she pointed at him, he allowed himself to laugh. After all, the other guys were laughing too.

But it was only when he laughed too that Deok Sun broke out into her widest smile.

And so he realized that Dong Ryo was wrong, at least this time.

Because this girl, she was dancing the crab-leg dance in front of him just to make him smile.

"Hey Deok Sun, have you ever tried this?" Dong Ryo jumped up and joined her, and the two of them began trying to top each other with the most ridiculous dance moves. 

They were all laughing, but Jung Hwan could only hear the sound of Deok Sun's laugh. He could only see her shining eyes and her bright smile.

She stole a glance at him, and he rewarded her with a smile, which made her smile too.

They spent the rest of the night hanging out like they always did, until it was finally time to go home. They all said their goodbyes to Taek, then bid their farewells on the street as they each went home.

Deok Sun opened the gate and stepped inside, and Jung Hwan shut the gate behind them.

She was on her way to the steps leading to the half-basement when Jung Hwan called out, "Deok Sun."

She stopped and looked at him expectantly.

Before he lost his nerve, Jung Hwan said, "I like hearing you laugh."

She blinked in surprise, then her lips curved into a soft smile. "Right back at you," she said.

Jung Hwan felt his cheeks flush and he ducked his head down, but Deok Sun could still see his smile.

They stood there for a while, staring at each other shyly, until finally Jung Hwan gestured to the door of the half-basement. "Go on in, it's cold," he said.

She nodded, "You too... good night."

He nodded, "Good night."

But neither of them moved an inch, each waiting for the other to make a move.

Finally, Jung Hwan sighed and jogged over to Deok Sun. Putting his hands on her shoulders, he steered her towards the stairs. "Good night, Deok Sun."

To his surprise, she turned around and hugged him around the waist. She squeezed him tight and let go just as quickly.

"Good night!" she called behind her as she ran down the steps without looking at him, opened the door, and quickly let herself in.

Jung Hwan stood there, then let out an incredulous laugh.

"Gosh, Deok Sun!" he shook his head as he bounded up the front steps to his house and let himself in.

He had no idea what was going on between them, but all he knew was, it was making him happier than he had ever been before.

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