The Pink Shirt

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"Jung Hwaaaan---" Deok Sun stopped mid-yell as Jung Bong came out of their front door.

"Oppa!" she beamed at him, "Ready for your date with Maggie?"

He nodded excitedly, puffing out his chest proudly.

And that was when she noticed, and her smile fell.

The pink shirt.

The shirt she had painstakingly picked out and agonized over.

Why was he wearing it?

Deok Sun felt the tears stinging her eyes as her heart constricted. How could he have given it away?

The front door suddenly opened and out came Jung Hwan.

"Let's go...?" his voice trailed off as he saw the look on her face. Her eyes were shining with tears, and she glared at him.

He looked confused, and she couldn't help but shoot daggers at Jung Bong and that blasted pink shirt.

He followed her gaze, and he felt all the color drain from his face.

Before he could open his mouth to say a word, Deok Sun turned on her heel and stomped down the front steps.

Jung Hwan cursed in frustration then did the only thing he thought he could do.

"Hey--" Jung Bong called out as Jung Hwan rushed after her.

Catching the gate as she slammed it shut behind her, Jung Hwan grabbed Deok Sun by the arm and turned her towards him.

She quickly swiped at her eyes, but she wasn't fast enough and he caught sight of her tear-stained cheeks.

"Deok Sun," he said.

She grunted in reply, keeping her eyes downcast.

He heaved a sigh, then gently lifted her chin to force her to look at him.

She was still glaring at him, but at least she kept his gaze.

Slowly, he unzipped his jacket and revealed a maroon sweater.

Deok Sun rolled her eyes at him and started to turn away, but he held her by the chin and forced her to look at him.

When he had her attention again, he straightened the collar of the shirt underneath his sweater.

Deok Sun looked at him stonily. What was he trying to-- Wait.

That collar was pink.

Her lips slowly curved into a smile, and she giggled as he raised an eyebrow at her and his mouth lifted in a slight smirk.

It was then that she realized: this was Jung Hwan. Why had she ever thought he would wear a pink shirt proudly? If anything, she would have been the first to tease him mercilessly about the color. The guys would surely never let him hear the end of it.

But here he was, wearing it under his usual maroon sweater, a pink collar hardly noticeable to anyone else but to her. It felt like their own little secret, and she felt a blush on her cheeks.

"Hey," he said, snapping her out of her reverie, "Let's go."

She nodded up at him happily, and was surprised when he took her backpack from her shoulder then walked ahead of her.

"Wait for me!" she called, half-skipping to keep up with his long strides. He quickened his pace and she laughed, racing after him.

It was going to be a good day.

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