Sun Woo & Bora's Wedding

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"Let us now greet the happy couple, Sung Sun Woo and Sung Bora!"

The entire room erupted in cheers and applause as Sun Woo and Bora stood in front of everyone, beaming happily.

Jung Hwan elbowed Deok Sun and whispered, "That's going to be us someday. Are you gonna cry like Bora?"

Deok Sun didn't reply, and Jung Hwan peered at her closely then laughed. "You're already crying! You're so dead when we get married!"

He held out his handkerchief to her and she glared at him as she grabbed it and wiped her tears. "Shut up," she hissed with a sniffle, and he laughed.

After greeting all their relatives, Sun Woo and Bora finally made their way to the gang's table. "Oh no, it looks like my sister-in-law takes after my wife," Sun Woo teased as he took in Deok Sun's tear-stained cheeks, and Bora hit his arm.

"Future brother-in-law, perhaps you and I should stock up on handkerchiefs," Jung Hwan said with a poker face, and Sun Woo nodded seriously.

"Hey," Dong Ryo narrowed his eyes at them. "I just realized that you're all family now."

The gang watched as he gestured wildly at them. 

"These two," he gestured at Sun Woo and Jung Hwan, "Get to become brothers-in-law."

"These two," he gestured at Sun Woo and Taek next, "Are actually stepbrothers."

"These two," he gestured at Deok Sun and Jung Hwan, "Soon to be husband and wife."

"Me?" he pointed at himself, "No connection with anybody! How can this be?!"

Then he snapped his fingers and pointed across the table.

"Jinju. You are my only hope at joining this family. I will wait for you," he said in all seriousness.

Jinju looked at Dong Ryo with such undisguised disgust that the entire table erupted in laughter, and Sun Woo affectionately patted his sister's shoulder.

"Fine, fine," Dong Ryo waved at Jinju dismissively, "I'm just going to be godfather to all of your children then."

Jung Hwan and Deok Sun turned to each other with a look that said "Children?!" The thought had never really crossed their minds before.

"That could be interesting, Lieutenant Kim," Deok Sun whispered to Jung Hwan as everyone settled down and chattered away at each other.

"We'll get there," he winked, "Let's focus on making you Kim Deok Sun first."

She raised an eyebrow, "Well, we already have our parents' blessing."

They smiled as they remembered how they had gathered both of their parents in one room, then knelt in front of them to ask for their blessing. The room had erupted into happy cheers as the two moms hugged each other through their tears before turning to hug Deok Sun, then the two dads shook hands and clapped Jung Hwan's back together.

"Yes, but we would need to plan a wedding like this," he gestured around them and she made a face.

"We should just get married in the air," she said, and he laughed.

"I'll wear my flight attendant uniform, you wear your Air Force uniform, the runway will be our aisle, then we'll go up the steps to the plane together and get married in the cockpit while flying high up in the sky," she narrated and he laughed harder.

"You're crazy!" he said as Deok Sun laughed with him.


They turned to see Dong Ryo gesturing at him and Deok Sun, and at Sun Woo and Bora who were similarly wrapped up in their own conversation. "This, this, this is what I don't like about all this family business!"

He turned to Taek and Jinju. "Please adopt me into your family," he pleaded with them, and both Taek and Jinju shook their heads in unison.

The entire table laughed at Dong Ryo's antics and they resumed chatting with one another.

As they did so, Jung Hwan reached for Deok Sun's hand under the table and squeezed it tight. She squeezed his hand back just as tightly and he knew, someday soon, it would be their turn.

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