chapter six | here comes the blue bimbo

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thank you for the votes, reads and comments! it shows that you enjoy my story and i'm very thankful for that. a reader asked me if i could update in the same week (as a joke) and me, being so oblivious, said yes. they later explained that it was a joke but they didn't mind so here it is! that person knows who they are, and this is a kind of one time thing.

the reason it's a one-time thing is because this reader has been reading this book BEFORE all the editing and stayed with me when i took a break twice. so thank you reader!! (i'm not saying their name for privacy reasons but again, they know who they are)

i do have a slight writers block so once that's gone and i've done more chapters i'll update more frequently. 


"thank you for coming dear!" delia waved at serena as she walked away from the mansion, returning her wave with her own. ash stood behind his mother, grumbling in annoyance.

"so stupid..." he muttered, earning a smack in the head. blue eyes gazed at them, watching as ash whined in pain and delia scolded him. she sighed joyfully, skipping. on her face was an evil grin that made surrounding individuals shiver.

"this was the time where ash took a bath. he always loved his rubber duck!" delia happily said, flicking the page to a picture of a two year-old naked ash, his body covered head to toe in bubbles. in his hand was a rubber duck, tightly clenched in his hand.

he was innocently smiling at the camera, not knowing the pain he was going to have.

the pain of blackmailing.

"mom!" he moaned, covering his red face with his hands while the girl next to him sneakily took pictures of his youth on her phone. delia just chuckled before showing serena the next few pages.

a picture of ash in a familiar summer camp, holding a large pokemon egg in his tiny hands while grinning. the egg had strange purple patterns, strangely resembling an ear of a pokemon.

next to him, gary stood next to him while smiling smugly.

"oh~ what kind of pokemon egg is that?"

"a noibat egg, it hatched about the same time i went to battle the gym leaders in kalos." ash answered, still sulking.

does that mean it was unhatched for nine years? serena gazed at the memory book in thought. she couldn't believe he got a noibat egg when he was little, how much trust did professor oak have in him? 

delia shook her head, sighing. "my poor baby didn't listen to a single thing i said that day. he still went, even sneaked out just to battle them." she looked at ash with a slight smile, remembering the day he snuck out to get all the kalos gym badges.

serena remembered it too.

when she woke up there was a note on her window from ash, asking her to explain to his mother why he wouldn't be coming back in a while. she still remembered how delia started hysterically crying when she watched the finals of the kalos league final together with her and her mother, grace.

she nearly smiled when she saw him kneel down in exhaustion while his pikachu hugged him. she didn't miss the lone tear that spread down his cheek.

"guess my baby boy has changed a bit."

ash's cheeks went red in embarrassment making him cover his face with a weak grumble. delia giggled while serena smiled at the two

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