i accidentally forgot to publish this yesterday so i apologise 😅 anyway, enjoy the chapter!!
brock sighed again, looking at ash's peaceful face. his mind was clustered with so many thoughts that he didn't know what to think anymore. it had been a while after ash went crazy, a few hours to be precise, but brock was still confused.
ash was surrounded with a light blue glow ever since brock sedated him and it looked like it wouldn't go away soon. it was truly magnificent in brock's opinion and he made a mental note to try examine it later.
who cares if he was supposed to be a pokemon doctor, he just found a fucking amazing discovery.
brock looked at him as ash grunted in his sleep, moving his head to the side slightly before he laid there, quiet.
tears pricked his eyes as he thought about how much ash'd gone through. he was pretty sure the pokemon trainer broke his ribs five times in kanto; there was a lot more but it would take hours to go into detail.
another thought entered brock's mind, the machine.
the machine that made ash's aura become what it is today, but they have no way of finding it. they could've used ash's memories but after the incident hours ago, that option is crossed off the list.
they also don't have any detail about the guy that hypnotized him. the guy could be next to them and they wouldn't know. they couldn't just interrogate every man in kalos, they could be in kanto for arceus sake!
oh, no worries. we just need to find a black figure. brilliant. but there was no way he could blame ash, he didn't do anything and he's probably too drowned in guilt.
besides, he's... asleep so he can't really blame an unconscious seventeen year-old teenager.
that would be stupid.
a yawn made him look at the bed in front of him to see ash sitting cross-legged and covering his mouth with the back of his hand. he rubbed his eyes, groaning.
when the hell did he wake up?
"what the hell-..." ash trailed off when his eyes landed on brock. an awkward silence between them made brock shuffle uncomfortably in his chair.
ash blinked, a lot, before glancing at the room with confusion on his face. his act was working, he thought, he could see brock's confusion and concern.
"uhm- brock...why did you kidnap me?" He raised an eyebrow at the pokemon doctor, trying to look weirded out. "what do you mean, you're the one that came to the pokemon cent-" brock said before getting cut off by his laughter.
"just kidding, i'm not that stupid dr. brock!" said man sighed defeatedly, rubbing his temples while ash stuck his tongue out at him playfully. i swear to arceus-
"so... i didn't do it then, huh?" ash asked, his dull eyes looking at his lap. he felt tired, for once in his life he didn't have any energy to actually be happy.
gulping, brock nodded as his mood went down at ash's defeated position.
"h-hey, it-s okay! you just have to... you know... uhm-" "i can't do shit now brock..." the pokemon doctor's eyes widened as his friend cursed, anger and frustration evident in his voice. His fists were clenched as he glared at them.
"ash..." he called his name but ash never acknowledged it. brock averted his gaze, giving ash a sympathetic look.
"ash ketchum, you have a-..." a voice said at the door. ash and brock looked at the doorframe to see what he thought had such beauty his eyes couldn't handle it! those amazing eyes that sparkled in the light, it had to be...

secrets we hide | amourshipping (HIATUS)
Romance(ONGOING) serena yvonne and ash ketchum were known to be enemies in a way. serena disliked ash quite a bit. from his dumb jokes to his spiky hair to his enormous ego. she disliked it all. all of it. some of her friends didn't understand, but that w...