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he couldn't believe it, but he had actually done it. haruto wrote the letter, he considered yoshinori's idea and actually did it. did he find it silly? yeah, of course. if he had to be honest, there were many doubts in his mind that junkyu would even care about the note. maybe, though, just maybe junkyu would care.

and that small sliver of hope that he would care, made haruto even bring the letter to the school. he was even ashamed to say with the help of his little sister, he was able to decorate it cutely with pink tape and stickers. it wasn't something he would do in a million years if it wasn't for junkyu, which probably said something about how strongly he felt.

that morning, haruto decided to get up earlier so he could maybe beat junkyu to his locker. it would be incredibly embarrassing if junkyu caught him with the letter in his hand when walking up to his locker. he walked into the hall in which he remembered junkyu's locker was in, soon finding his locker. it was a bit weird to admit that he had memorized which locker junkyu used from the few times he'd spoken to him while at his locker. but, it sure did come in handy.

then, after some mental debating and second-guessing, haruto slid the letter into the vent hole of junkyu's locker. now, he has to wait for the older to open his locker and find it. deep inside, haurto really wanted to be able to witness junkyu's raw reaction to reading the letter but that would be a bit difficult. first, he would have to make some excuse for even being over at that side of the school. second, would junkyu even open the letter and read it right then? so, maybe he would stick to just hoping that junkyu would bring it up to him at some point. then... he would maybe express his feelings on the letter.

haruto froze when he heard footsteps down the empty hall and panicked, he looked for somewhere to hide. he was pretty tall so this was a bit difficult, just his luck, there was a podium left outside a classroom. hurrying over to it, he crouched down behind the podium, now having to wait out to see who almost caught. the footsteps slowly got louder and soon someone came into view, when haruto leaned over to see who it was he was mortified.

junkyu. of course it would be junkyu this early. he watched silently while the brunette walked to his locker, starting to put the combination. "junkyu!!" haruto could hear a boy, who he soon saw was doyoung shout and walk up to junkyu. great, haruto thought, now there's two people here.

"hey doyoung, why are you here so early? did mashiho ask you to meet him in an empty classroom again or something?" junkyu joked, turning away from his locker for a moment to look at doyoung. the younger of the two rolled his eyes and playfully pushed junkyu.

"no, he didn't. i woke up earlier today so i thought i'd give you some company before class." doyoung smiled, folding his arms over his chest. junkyu opened his mouth to speak, but stopped when his locker was open and a white envelope fell from it. the two both looked down at the letter, scrambling to grab it first, in which junkyu won.

"oh my god, junkyu! you got a love letter!" doyoung shouted, grabbing onto junkyu and shook him aggressively while he shouted. the older shooed doyoung from being so close to him when he started to open the envelope, after admiring the decoration first. he leaned his back against his locker, making haurto scramble behind the podium further to not be seen.

"dear, tutor." junkyu read, mouthing the other words to himself as he read the letter. a smile soon crept onto his face while he read the words written on the page, his face getting a bit pink when he finished it. "oh, it's so sweet. i didn't think anyone could like me like this, i hope it isn't some kind of prank." he said happily, handing the letter off to doyoung so he could read it as well.

"no, some asshole wouldn't put this much effort into a prank." doyoung said as he read the letter, earning a 'watch your language' from junkyu as well. he smiled too, handing the letter back to junkyu when he was done reading it. "so, they called you tutor, do you think it's one of the students you tutor?"

junkyu took the letter back, folding it up once again and slid it back into the pretty envelope. he furrowed his eyebrows when doyoung had asked that question, shaking his head. "no, i only tutor boys right now. i don't think any of them would write this, let alone even like me." he spoke sadly, opening his locker once again to put the letter in a safe spot and begun grabbing his books out. "it might be a girl who knows i tutor people, it's pretty common knowledge."

doyoung tilted his head at junkyu, confusion twisting on face. "why couldn't be one of the boys you tutor? is it because it's decorated all pretty?" he asked, to which junkyu quickly shook his head in response.

"no, because i already know jihoon likes me and wouldn't be this nice." junkyu answered, pulling out two textbooks and then closed his locker. doyoung nodded his head, he understood that and didn't question it. "and... haruto is out of league, he would never like a nerd like me, besides i'm pretty sure he's straight."

this surprised haruto, he leaned up against the wall behind him and started to think. he was out of junkyu's league and he would never like a nerd like him? he didn't think junkyu was a nerd but he definitely didn't think he would be considered out of anyone's league. as the two continued to talk, haruto tried to think of how junkyu would even fathom the idea that he was anywhere out of his league.

eventually, the two continued talking as they left the lockers and haruto barely noticed the footsteps nearing past him. when they had finally had walked far enough where he couldn't be noticed, haruto made a run for it.

he had to talk to junkyu at least once that day, he knew for sure.


Dear, Tutor ! | HARUKYU [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now