: seven :

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"classes are over, i can't wait to fall asleep in the warm arms of my short boyfriend." doyoung swooned as he let himself fall backwards onto a locker, bringing his hands to his chest when he looked over at his friend. with a quiet sigh, junkyu walked over to where doyoung was stood, observing the locker numbers for his.

"i know you have a boyfriend, doyoung, you don't have to remind me every other minute." he states with a bored gaze before turning his attention back to look at his locker, moving a hand to begin twisting in the combination. somehow, even with all of the collective sounds of students in the hallways, junkyu could hear doyoung scoff. in the corner of his eye, junkyu saw doyoung adjust himself so that he was leaning up against the vacant locker beside his.

"whatever, you're just jealous because haruto doesn't like you." doyoung rebelled, using the arm that wasn't against the locker to push junkyu slightly. he was satisfied with his comeback when he saw junkyu stop fiddling with his locker lock and turn to scowl at doyoung.

"that is not how i feel about him, he's my junior and the student i tutor. a silly crush would just make things complicated." scoffed junkyu, his tone coming off almost as annoyed when he spoke. once he was done scowling at doyoung, he returned to trying to get his locker open, which just seemed like too much of a task for him then.

"whatever, if you say so... aren't you so bored of being single all the time, though?" doyoung then crossed his arms over his chest. "it's like you don't even want to experience teenage love, i've never seen you even engage in anything beside friendships."

junkyu moved his fingers across the lock mindlessly as he thought over what doyoung had said. he supposed he wasn't entirely wrong, spending almost his entire high school life without any kind of significant other surely was getting a bit lonely. junkyu hated to let doyoung think he was right in situations like these though, besides, he didn't need a relationship to make him happy.

"you think i need a relationship because you want me to get into one. i don't need a relationship to be happy." junkyu sighed, finally turning to look at his friend again. it evident in the way doyoung was standing there that he didn't believe not a single word that junkyu had just said. "sure, i think haruto is cool and all but i don't think we'll ever be more than that."

the younger of the two looked to the ground, letting junkyu sit there in silence for a moment. doyoung then sighed, standing up straight and unfolded his arms. "so, you're not even going to give it a chance? not once?" he asked, tilting his head at the end of his question.

just as doyoung expected, junkyu stood there silently for a second, presumably thinking about the question. he ran his fingers across the raised painted numbers of the lock, his vision zoned out as he thought over several events that had happened recently. junkyu opened his mouth slightly, yet no words came out of his mouth for a second or two.

"no, i don't think i want to." he then finally replied, tearing himself from his daydream and looked to doyoung. doyoung shook his head, seeming as though he knew more than what junkyu did. adjusting the straps of his backpack and running a hand through his hair, doyoung prepared himself to leave junkyu alone.

"i guess you're right, think about it some more though. see you tomorrow junkyu." and just like that, doyoung had disappeared behind a corner of the hallway. now, junkyu was left in the crowded hallway trying to get his locker open in a timely manner. after what seemed like an eternity of twisting in his locker combination, junkyu gave up. maybe he would do just fine in the tutor session without all of his materials, the ones in his bag would just have to do.

just as he was turning on his heels to begin walking away to the designated tutoring classroom, he stopped when he saw a tall boy walking towards him. junkyu didn't have very many tall friends so it was no surprise that the boy was none other than haruto. this is just exactly what he needed after that conversation with doyoung, more interaction with haruto that wasn't for tutoring purposes.

"locker problems?" haruto spoke simply, continuing to walk closer to junkyu before stopping when he was at a comfortable distance from the other. the older simply nodded, mentally acknowledging the fact that haruto probably saw him struggling as he walked up to him moments ago.  the taller of the two stepped a bit closer, putting his hand--that junkyu was only just now noticing was much larger than his-- on the lock.

"2483." junkyu said quietly, understanding that haruto wanted to know the combination. he watched silently as haruto effortlessly unlocked the locker, opening the door for him in the process. junkyu was about to happily thank the younger until he stopped, noticing a small white envelope fluttering its way down to the hallway floor. he was mortified, this was not what he wanted right then, this silly love letter to just make it's self obvious in front of haruto.

needless to say, junkyu was beyond embarrassed right then. quickly scrambling to bend down and pick up the letter, he could've sworn he tried to say something along the lines of "oh don't mind this" or "thank you for your help" but ended up saying a babble of gibberish. junkyu shamefully slipped the envelope into a corner of the locker and avoiding looking towards haruto.

"what is it?" haruto asked nonchalantly, moving his hand away from the locker door, probably to make junkyu feel a bit less pressured by being trapped. he waited patiently for an answer as junkyu mentally prepared himself to explain the whole reason why he had a sticker envelope in his locker.

"well, you see, this morning i found this love letter in my locker." he began to explain while hesitantly looking to haruto as he did. "i found it flattering so i thought i'd keep it in my locker, i didn't really know what to do with it either way."

the only response junkyu was given was a simple nod, leaving him unsure of what to say afterward. he looked off over to his locker, grabbing what he needed before closing it. "well, i suppose we should start heading to the classroom then?" an awkward smile came to his face towards the end of his question, soon fading once he was turned away from haruto.

junkyu walked to their designated tutoring classroom, checking behind him a few times to see if haruto was still following. once he reached the classroom door, he stopped and waited for haruto to get a bit closer before he entered. how strange, he thought, the door was already unlocked even though he always made sure to lock it after ever session. not thinking to question it, he opened the classroom door and looked around.

his gaze fell upon a boy sitting in the spot haruto had claimed as his seat the first tutor session. the boy in the seat had a smirk on his face, junkyu feeling dread in his stomach once they had finally made eye contact.


Dear, Tutor ! | HARUKYU [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now