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"i have a boyfriend" doyoung announced, leaning up against the locker beside where junkyu stood. the news couldn't have surprised junkyu anymore, to which he reacted almost immediately. "it's crazy isn't it?"

junkyu shoved his phone into his pocket, and grabbed onto doyoung's shoulders. "yes! yes it is!" he said loudly, then shook the other aggressively. "you've got to introduce me to him, or else i'll be upset." he stared into doyoung's eyes and watched as his expression morphed into a smug one.

"good, i was going to anyway." answered doyoung before he grabbed junkyu to drag him to wherever his boyfriend was at. the navigated and pushed through the crowded hallway, junkyu not being able to count the number of times he had to apologize to someone for running into them while doyoung dragged him. he soon turned his head to look forward, seeing a group of boys in the end of the hall, majority leaning up against a locker.

"hey, guys! this is my friend junkyu." doyoung introduced him as soon as they approached the group of boys, and junkyu couldn't help but notice they all dressed similar to... "and junkyu! this is my boyfriend, mashiho." before junkyu could understand his thoughts, doyoung pulled him to where this mashiho guy stood. he would then stand there for a moment, staring at the shorter male in front of him, a male who just screamed doyoung's type.

"it's... nice to meet you, mashiho." after a moment of standing there like an idiot; which is something he wasn't, he finally greeted the other. to which, mashiho would then smile and bow to him, then turn to the other boys around them.

"it's really nice to meet you too junkyu," mashiho started, and then pointed to a grey-haired boy standing next to him. "and, i'll let the others introduce themselves." mashiho spoke with a smile and turned his attention to the grey-haired boy standing next to him.  who would then soon introduce himself as yoshinori or as some called him; yoshi. after yoshi was another boy that junkyu didn't see at first because he was too busy staring off to space dumbly, but then he was caught off guard.

"haruto." there he was, just when junkyu thought he probably wouldn't see him ever again... he was standing right in front of him. "it's nice to see you again." haruto smiled, which came as a surprise to what seemed everyone there at that moment. he looked at them then furrowed his eyebrows, and went back to being silent.

"it's nice to see you again too, and it's nice to meet you yoshi." junkyu bowed to them and moved to stand against a locker near where haruto stood. it was something about how he was so mysterious and had a reputation for being well... super badass that made junkyu so curious of him. was there something he hid with his quietness? was there something to learn about him? who exactly was haruto watanabe? these were all questions he wanted to answer.

after what felt like years of standing there awkwardly, doyoung turned to junkyu again. "hey, class is going to start here soon. you're going to room 126 right?" doyoung asked while he very obviously grabbed mashiho's hand. when junkyu nodded, a smile came to mashiho's face and he nudged doyoung before leaning to whisper something in his ear. junkyu watched silently as doyoung's eyes traveled from him and to haruto standing next to him, a wide smile coming to his face.

"junkyu you and yoshi have the same class, but haruto's is on the way there. why don't you three walk together?" the suggestion seemed way too coincidental, especially with the smile doyoung just had on his face. junkyu looked to haruto, who was too invested in his phone at the moment to even be listening to the conversation.

"i don't have mr. nakamoto, though," yoshi spoke up, walking so that he wasn't hidden behind the two lovebirds. he put his phone into his pocket and picked up his backpack from the corner, then slung it over his shoulder. "i have to meet up with hyunsuk anyways, bye guys." and, just like that yoshi was off on his own. which, left junkyu to be the only one who would be walking with haruto to class.

"it's okay, i'll just walk haruto to class, you guys can go ahead." junkyu smiled happily, reaching his hand out to grab onto haruto's wrist loosely. the action caught haruto's attention, making him peel his eyes off of his phone and look over to junkyu. a few giggles left doyoung at the moment, giggles that he was oh so obviously trying to keep in. junkyu ignored them though and pulled haruto along behind him until they were out of the sight of doyoung and mashiho.

"um, where's your class?" the elder of the two asked, looking at haruto expectantly. he watched as haruto pursed his lips, he almost looked... nervous? junkyu didn't exactly understand it, and he couldn't read haruto very well.

"room 415." haruto answered simply, his gaze was glued to junkyu's hand still holding onto his wrist. junkyu sighed, he just knew that doyoung would've lied to him about haruto's class being near his. besides, haruto was his junior, which just meant his classes would be in a different part of the school. although his class was closer to where they were now, junkyu decided he would do the nicer thing and walk haruto to his class first.

with a small smile on his face, junkyu nodded and started to walk in the direction where the class was. after all of the time he spent helping teachers, you could say junkyu knew their school like it was his own home. the walk to haruto's class was quiet, well, between them it was since the halls were still crowded with the chatter of other students. when they reached class 415, junkyu let go of haruto's wrist and looked at him.

"thank you," haruto spoke up suddenly, he spoke so little that if junkyu had to be honest, it was a bit surprising to hear his deeper voice. "i'll see you later, junkyu." and, there it was, a smile... again. haruto smiled at him again and for some reason, junkyu couldn't explain, it made him happy.

"of course, see you later," he replied happily, waving goodbye before turning on his heels to start heading off to his class.


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