: five :

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"why did you ask me to meet you out here again?" asked yoshinori as he walked up next to his very tall friend, leaning up against the brick wall when he stopped. his very tall friend was none other than haruto of course, who was currently staring at the ground with his hands shoved into his pockets. haruto was a man of very few words, he didn't talk much, as you probably knew already. 

yoshinori knew this, so when haruto asked him to talk in private, it was a surprise. he was even quiet around his friends, hell, when yoshinori came over once he didn't even speak much to his mother. 

"yoshi, i like someone." haruto announced, his head still hanging low as he stared at the ground. he hadn't even looked to see yoshinori's reaction, which was a shocked one. the news was of course surprising since haruto had never expressed romantic feelings towards anyone, or ever said something about it. 

"do you want to tell me who it is?" yoshinori asked, standing up from against the wall to walk closer to haruto. the other then lifted his head, the two making eye contact when he did so. slowly, haruto nodded his head but didn't say anything. and... there was silence for a moment. 

"you know mashiho's boyfriend?" he then started, tilting his head off to the side and looked away. he was gay? yoshinori would've never guessed, in his opinion, he always thought haruto was straight. well, he guessed maybe it was wrong to assume off very little evidence. 

"you like... mashiho's boyfriend? haruto-" 

"no." haruto stopped yoshinori from going any further with what he had to say, catching the other off guard. yoshinori's once concerned expression changed to a confused one, he tilted his head at haurto. "his best friend."

yoshinori stayed silent for a minute or two, he didn't know how to reply. it was still pretty surprising, haruto liking someone... and telling someone. "junkyu? isn't he dating someone?" yoshinori asked, immediately noticing the change in haruto's facial expression. he knew that probably made haruto feel bad but shouldn't he know? 

"who? i haven't heard about that." haruto's voice has changed tones, yoshinori could sense the hurt in it. the shorter of the two walked closer to haruto, hesitating to reach his hand out to comfort him. 

"park jihoon i believe, i don't know if it's just a rumor though." yoshinori shrugged, which, in haruto's eyes made it seem like he didn't see this as such a big deal. it was pretty commonly known that park jihoon was a bit of a brat, a spoiled one at that. he also had a bad reputation for not being loyal to his partners and that concerned haruto. "do you plan to confess?" 

haruto looked at his feet, kicking some dirt up while he sat there silently. "i did." he mumbled, "i don't know if i want to now." haruto sighed, tilting his head when he looked down at the small rut in the ground he made. yoshinori's hand grabbing his arm made him jump slightly and lift his head to look at the other. 

"well, what if you don't do it in person? maybe write him a letter?" yoshinori suggested, looking up at his silently sulking tall friend. "you could even make it some kind of secret admirer thing." it sounded like a good idea in theory but both of them knew haruto wouldn't be able to keep that up for very long. 

"maybe." haruto shrugged, still not making eye contact with yoshinori and kept his eyes glued to anything else. the shorter sighed, letting go of haruto's arm to pat him on the shoulder. 

"don't let it eat away at you, it could just be a rumor after all." he said in a soft voice, a smile on his face, one that haruto didn't even look up to see. "i should get going now though, think about my suggestion man!" yoshinori then gave the taller a thumbs up, running off back inside the school building afterward. 

...but how could he not let it bother him? the thoughts ran through his head wildly, confusing him even more. if junkyu did have a boyfriend, how come it was never brought up by doyoung? why didn't he say anything? why didn't jihoon say anything? 


the big news came out, park jihoon was coming back to school. after spending a month being pampered and doing online school, the school's spoiled brat was returning to take his throne again. it wasn't a surprise, of course, he would come back and not stick to only online school. why would he do that, when there was a school full of people to annoy? 

"kim junkyu, your prince has returned." a voice spoke behind junkyu, a few taps to his shoulder following suit. when junkyu turned around, he was met with the exact boy he had expected to see when hearing that kind of greeting. park jihoon. 

"you're back so soon, how was the trip?" junkyu put on a smile after he closed his locker, turning his full attention to the boy in front of him. jihoon raised a brow, a smirk soon coming to his face to go along with the raised brow. he leaned in closer to junkyu, tilting his head, and looked into the brunette's brown orbs. 

"it was nice!" he said happily, bouncing back from junkyu. he pushed some of his well kept red hair from his face, then pretended to flip his nonexistent long hair. "it would've been nicer if you were with me, speaking of which, did you miss me?" jihoon, stepped to stand beside junkyu and immediately wrapped his arms around junkyu's. 

"yeah... i did," junkyu said nervously, he always hated lying to other people. but, he couldn't just out-right tell him that he didn't miss him, could he? junkyu wasn't like that, besides, jihoon would think nothing of it and continue to bother him. so... what good would it do him anyway? 

"oh, that's so cute!" jihoon basically shouted, pulling junkyu closer to him to rest his head on the brunette's shoulder. junkyu started to attempt walking away from his locker, which jihoon eventually got the idea and walked along with him. "i knew you would miss me, why didn't you just reach out to me? i would've-" 

then junkyu stopped walking, which also made jihoon go silent. the red-haired boy looked at whatever it was junkyu stopped to look at, and saw another boy. "hey haruto!" junkyu called out, trying to walk over to this boy but couldn't because of jihoon holding him back. "did you get more of your math work done?" the conversation between the two was merely talk about tutoring and in any other situation would be completely acceptable. though, that didn't seem to be the case for jihoon. 

"junkyu, who is this?" he asked, a hint of disgust in his voice when he spoke. jihoon looked to haruto, staring him up and down while he waited for junkyu's response. junkyu felt jihoon tug him closer when haruto attempted to walk up closer to them. 

"jihoon, don't be so rude. this is haruto, he's a friend of mine and the student i tutor." junkyu finally answered, receiving an equally as disgusted look from jihoon afterward. jihoon scoffed, letting go of junkyu's arm, and crossed his arms over his chest. 

"so, i leave for a few weeks and i'm replaced? that's not fair!" jihoon pouted, glaring over to haruto, who was standing there awkwardly. junkyu sighed, crossing his arms over his chest and tilted his head over at jihoon. 

"you left for almost two months, i can't just wait for you when i could be helping other students." he shook his head in annoyance, resisting the urge to put jihoon properly in his place. "i'm going to walk haruto to class now, i'll see you in lunch jihoon," junkyu concluded, unfolding his arms and walked over to haruto. when he was stood beside the tall male, he slipped his arm under haruto's, linking their arms together. 

"haruto, i'm sorry about him." junkyu started when they started to walk away from jihoon. "i hope you understand where he's coming from, we've known each other for a long time and he gets jealous when i talk to new people. he isn't always like this." a smile was plastered onto his face while he looked up at haruto, silently admiring the younger male. 

"it's okay." haruto replied in a monotone voice, not bothering to look down at the other. at this point, he figured junkyu would understand how he is and not find it rude. the remainder of the walk to haurto's class then consisted of junkyu rambling on about something doyoung had done and haruto silently listening. 


Dear, Tutor ! | HARUKYU [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now