I Am So Dead

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I need to breathe and get myself together. I have no idea who he really is and don't get me started with me faking myself. This shouldn't happen, right? My mind was like a desert with nothing but pure sandy unconsciousness. The noise didn't even bother me anymore and my heart leaped once I stole a glance at him in the field. He looked amazing and the way he smiled towards the crowd made my knees go weak. Thank goodness we're all seated down again. Except for those who were so adamant on cheering, Audri and Chloe being one of them.

The game consisted of kicking, screaming, and throwing. Nothing out of the ordinary really. Okay, I was actually hoping to see some drama like each of the school mascots getting into a fight. It would actually be quite entertaining to see an eagle and a bull tackling eachother on the ground. Well, I could see why my friends were so into this. It would be really fun and enjoyable when your nerves aren't about to pop out after seeing your crush. 

Ugh. Trust me, I hate that word. 

I wasn't even aware if we're winning or not. My eyes were trailed towards Ash the whole time. The way he skillfully maneuvered his way across the field, how he'd throw the ball as far and as fast as he can, how he'd manage to still look good in a sweaty game.

"This is so exciting! I don't even care if we win or not!"

Audri exclaims as she continues to cheer on for our team. Chloe nods and screams with her. In the midst of all the chaos and the noise surrounding me including Chandler's loud munching on his popcorn, I thought of ending my catfishing. Although I did it with a pure intention, it's still so wrong. I should just stop. But could I really let go of it that easily?

The blaring of the horn once again disrupted my troubled thoughts indicating the final touchdown, whatever that is. I'm not one who knows football, but I'm pretty sure the opposing team is winning. I stand up together with the crowd just for the heck of it. Ash's face is filled with determination and he runs with lightning speed just to trip and slam his face on the ground. Nah, I'm kidding. He predictably cut his way through the field and made the crowd go wilder as usual with his winning end. I hastily grabbed my phone and send him a little message. Just one more wouldn't hurt, right?

Kaitlyn Jennings
I'm sure you already won by now, Ash :) If only I could see you play, I'm sure you won the game without even breaking a sweat. You're amazing (not like you don't know it yet).

I looked up to witness Ash being carried by his team mates as he fist bumps into the air. He's breath-takingly handsome and I felt so honored to be noticed by him. I feel wanted and prioritised. I feel great when I talk to him. How wrong is it? A hundred percent wrong, I know. But we dwell on what destroys us. This little infatuation is killing me. Love makes us fools after all.


"That was crazy! Did you see how amazing the other school is? I mean, we terribly sucked!"


We were all gathered in the diner since Dan was too upset to party knowing that it'll be jam packed with people who'd be a broken record of "It's okay" and "You did great!" when he barely even survived the game. 

"Shut up, Chandler!" Ali exclaimed throwing fries at him as he chuckled.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But man, it's just a game. You did great!"

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just get over it, alright?"

The night continued to drag on as we stayed longer than we expected. It was ten minutes to two am and I'm pretty sure I'm locked out by now. So we all decided to stay at Audri's house for the night, resulting to us playing in full blast down the streets because we got drunk over iced tea.

"Can't I have that blanket?"

"What? No, Chandler stop being a baby and get to sleep!"

"Audri, I can't sleep with only one blanket!"

I drowned out their argument over a cloth that seemed to be a means of survival for my stupid friend over here. To be honest, my mind has been split in two for the whole night. Ever since I saw Ash. Call me dramatic and all, but when you cat fished a guy who you think likes you back, everything else just makes you turn into a bigger idiot. I'm basically not real and I excuse myself thinking that our conversations are real, at least I think it is. I know about his family, about what he's going through in school and basically about his life outside his popularity. I felt amazing to learn those things about him but it worries me to not be able to speak to him directly.

Everyone was now asleep while I'm too bothered to even close my eyes. I hesitantly logged on as Kaitlyn and as much as I hate to admit, I had a stupid smile on my face as 2 unread messages from him appeared.


Hey! I actually won, maybe it's you constantly wishing that I would as you're miles away from me? Haha, it was really fun. The other school was great as well, except they're really out of focus. Anyway, I miss you. I was half expecting that you'd magically appear in the crowd but who am I kidding? 

Can I call you? Can I video chat with you?

Okay, that last bit scared me a ton. A video chat? Now that's one big problem a catfish has to face. I've been a pro to excuses but why am I finding this too difficult? My internet is dying? I don't have a camera on my phone or laptop? I got into an accident and my face is fully wiped out and I've replaced it with something totally different from my profile picture? Not the brightest excuses, I know.


Congratulations! I knew you could do it! Trust me, I wanted to see you as well. But the odds are too great, it'd be difficult for that to happen :(

Yes, that's it. Ignore that last message and get on with life.


Woah, you're still awake! It's 2 in the morning here and I guess it's different in your place?


Ahh, yes but dude. You have to sleep, you just got off from a game.


Yes mom :) So, can I call you tomorrow and maybe just see you even if it's just through the screen?

Oh well, a lie's a lie.


Okay, can't wait :) Get some rest sleepy head and we can continue talking tomorrow. Maybe we could even start another argument, I don't know. Haha, but seriously Ash. Go to sleep :)


Alright, alright. See you tomorrow Kat.


See you, Ash.

I am so dead.


KILL ME NOW, I AM SO SORRY. It has been a whole year since my update and I have mixed feelings on whether to continue this or not. Anyway, it'll depend on the number of views. Get this to 50 views and I'll hurry things up with their romance and deeper drama? Haha, hope you like this one!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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