Lil Red

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As soon as I entered school, I was immediately bumped, hit and almost stabbed to death by students. I'm overreacting, I know, but when a book is practically being shoved in my stomach, it feels like my whole life was going to end. I was breathing hard as I finally reached my locker.

"Are you sure this is Oakridge Highschool? Or the mental hospital?"

I rolled my eyes as I turn around and meet Chandler. I tried my best to give him the scariest glare but all he did was chuckle and ruin my already ruined hair.

"Whatever Greene, what's with all the fuss anyway?"

"They're all worked up because they can't handle this" he points at his arrogant self "sexy devil, in the hallways". I shoved him and laughed a little.

"Seriously egoistical bastard, what's the truth? Because I'm certain it's because of the fact that they can't handle your ugliness and stench in school". He glared at me and was about to say something equally as rude I bet but a certain someone who seems to pop up all the time butted in.

"Well dear friends, it's neither. Have you forgotten what day it is?" I faced Audri and cocked my eyebrow at her.

"It's thursday. What's wrong with thursday?" Chandler groaned and I turned and smacked his chest.

"Owww! What did I do? Are you sure you're a student here? It's thursday which means --" he wasn't able to finish since Audri did the work for him.

"Which means, the game is tomorrow and everyone's all worked up about it because this is pretty much the most anticipated game of the school year!"

I internally groaned because my school's surely going to lose. We've lost for the past few years and I'm in no way going to watch. But since we've established the fact that I'm going, I guess I have to see the failure or the miracle. I was about to ask who the school will be against but the bell beat me to it.

"That's my cue. Adios midgets!" Chandler quickly dodged the students to get to his class and so do we.


Lunch was nothing but normal. Despite the constant talking about boys, and Chandler eating like a pig, it was all good. Not until I felt a vibration in my pocket. Ugh i hate it when that happens. I opened my phone and saw that I received a message from Ash. I can't help but smile and feel giddy. I glance at my friends and see that they're busy with whatever they're doing.

Ash O'Collins

"Hi :)"

Awwe how cute. I blush and hastily replied.


"Hi :) umm what's up?"

Ash O'Collins

"I'm at school and nothing much really. Just bored and eating lunch"


"Oh it's 10 in the evening here and I just finished with my homework"

Ha, I'm good at this. There were times where in I 'd forget the different timezones, but my cyber friends are too naive to care.

Ash O'Collins

"Cool! So I really want to get to know you more"


"Same! You seem like a cool guy. I do hope you're no killer :') haha"

Ash O'Collins

"I'm nothing close to that. I would never steal the life of a pretty girl like you haha"

Okay I'm blushing mad now. I looked at my friends and notice that Dan wasn't with us. I looked at his empty seat for a moment and realize that he's practicing for the game tomorrow. No wonder Chloe and Audri are ten times more into whatever their topic was. Chandler was still minding his business but was oddly quiet. I shrugged it off and went back to my chat with Ash.


"I died for a moment. Stop making my heart skip a beat! I'm looking like a tomato right now :')"

I'm so cheezy but it's honestly fun to flirt back.

Ash O'Collins

"Oh sorry. Please don't die on me. I'd rather steal a kiss though. Oops I hope that didn't kill you :("


"The damage has been done. Kaitlyn Jennings died because of fangirliness and for blushing like a fool. It's all your fault and don't be surprised when you see police cars outside your house :')"

I giggled and feel someone's eyes on me. Not literally though, that's just disgusting. I looked at Chandler who was suspiciously staring.


"Is there a reason why you look like you're plotting a murder against me? What's with that smile? Is it a guy?"

"Ha, whaaaaaat? Don't be silly."

"Okay okay, I will find out myself then"

He says eyeing my phone. I glared at him but he sadly does the same. I broke the eye contact after a few minutes because I practically suck at staring contests.

"Haha I win loser"

I just stuck my tongue out and hid my phone under the table.

Ash O'Collins

"Wow you're good. Haha, listen I need to go now but I'll text you later. It's night there so good night lil red"


"Okay :) good night! What's with the nickname though?"

Ash O'Collins

"Because I bet you furiously blush a lot ;)"


"All thanks to you -- mr. no nickname yet! Expect one from me tomorrow haha I'll think of one :')"

Ash O'Collins

"Ttyl Lil Red ;)"

Talk to you later Ash :)


I'm not into writing stories but here's a new update! I'm talking to no one in particular because I doubt that there are still people who read this. But if you are, please do vote and comment! Thanks :)

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