Not the Ash I wanted

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Have you ever felt so happy you could literally hug anyone who comes
your way? I'm not one to actually do that but the recent conversation I had with Ash gave me chills causing me to think about it the whole day. I imagined us talking again and I've been staring out of space more than usual and I'm surprised my friends or anyone for that matter haven't noticed this yet.

"Please read chapter 12 and when I say you read it, I mean it. There will possibly be a test concerning it so be ready."

I snapped out of my trance and finally took note of what was actually happening. The students were groaning and muttering profanities while Mrs. Butyera gave out further instructions.

"I hope you all remember everything I said. That would be all, you are dismissed."

Sweet words of freedom. I rushed out of class wanting to go home and chat with Ash but was abruptly stopped by Chloe. "Woah there Roadrunner! What's the rush?"

"Oh nothing! I just really need to get home to finish some homework." I then beamed at her and tried my best to keep the conversation short.

"Really now? Well, you better come tomorrow. We're expecting the great Ali to finally watch a single game before graduating."

"Okay sure Chlo! Catch you later! I mean tomorrow! Catch you--" I say while moving past her. She laughs and gives me a hug. "Okay, Ali. I get it. Have fun with homework!"

Yes, homework. Definitely :)


*Ash O'Collins is offline*

It's been nearly 3 hours and he's still not online. I finished reading and doing homework and as I did so, I occasionally sneaked a peak to see if he's online but I'm left into a puddle of dissappointment. Mom's still not home and I'm bored to death. Maybe he's just busy and needs sometime alone. Or maybe he's having a practice for an upcoming event. Or maybe they had a blackout and is walking down the streets looking for a way to go online and chat with me. Who am I kidding? I guess we're not talking tonight.

I was about to shut my laptop off but a certain sound alerted me. I quickly clicked on the tab leading to facebook and was thrilled to see a message notification. Luck was definitely on my side. I felt a rush of relief and a big grin makes its way to my face. It's no other than A-

Aaron Fisher
Hey! Do I know you?

My grin suddenly turned into a frown. I shook my head but clicked on his profile nevertheless. He's 19 and is living in Illinois based on what's written on his information box. He's wearing a cap and is holding a bottle of beer as his profile picture. I'm not one to judge on appearance but I muffle a laugh because guys like him are kind of predictable.

Kaitlyn Jennings
I'm sorry. I don't remember adding you. I don't think we know each other.

Aaron Fisher
It's okay, I don't mind actually. You're pretty hot!!

Kaitlyn Jennings
That's so sweet of you :)

Aaron Fisher
Just a guy telling the truth ;)) Have snapchat?

Shoot. That's pretty much my problems ever since. I worked so many excuses to refrain from skyping because I'm clearly fake. It's been a while since I did this, but I could never be too sure. Doing this is no easy job. I hate myself for not having the courage to deactivate this account.

Kaitlyn Jennings
I don't use it anymore.

There, I hope he'll leave that alone.

Aaron Fisher
Download it. We'll have so much fun!

Kaitlyn Jennings
Sorry. No can do :(

Aaron Fisher
Why not?

I groaned and bit my lip in concentration. People like him are so hard to avoid. They're too persistent.

Kaitlyn Jennings
I'm really sorry but I don't want to. What do you actually plan on doing if I ever have one?

I knew the answer to this but it'll pretty much help me reject him. Again, he's the type who's predictable. I'm sure of that.

Aaron Fisher
I just want to be friends! Exchanging photos would be funny too. I just got the app and kind of got addicted. Sorry, no need to if you really aren't interested :(

Okay, I'm completely wrong about that one. He just wanted to be friends. I should never have judged him. I sighed and was about to ask what he's doing to change the topic but he actually beat me to it.

Aaron Fisher
Besides, I have a 7 inch glory to show you ;)

And that was my cue to leave and block him. I shut my laptop off and went to bed feeling a tinge of sadness creeping down my chest. I waited for Ash but ended up feeling so dissapointed. Why did I suddenly grow a liking towards him anyway? I guess it's the foreign attention I received from the opposite sex. It's definitely his perfect features and charm. Maybe it's also because of how popular he is. I see girls and even guys trying to befriend him but he's so cool about it. It made me feel so special that he came to me and actually initiated our first conversation. How he complimented me in ways "Ali" won't ever receive. But what if he does that to any other girl out there? What if I'm a fool for thinking I'd actually have a shot at having someone like him? Who am I kidding? I'm a nobody. I'm fake for crying out loud. And that's what I'll always be to him. A girl he met on the internet. A girl he'll never see personally because she's not the girl he thinks she is. Loud troubled thoughts swirl inside my head like a whirlwind until it finally kept quiet and all I could hear is my steady breathing. The next thing I know, I've already drifted off to sweet warm slumber.

I suck but please comment and vote :) love you!

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