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I wake up with so much exhaustion and my back and cheek hurts so bad. I try to stretch and the sickening sound of bones welcomes my ears. That doesn't sound good. I groan as I rub my eyes and survey my surroundings. I'm in my bed in an odd position and my laptop is beside me. Huh, I guess I slept while going on facebook or something. I try to recall what I've done last night.

It took some time for me to remember but with the help of a warm shower and satisfying breakfast, I finally recalled how I was chatting with this guy named Tanner from Australia. He's 2 years older than me and he's pretty cute. I sigh realizing he'd never notice me when I'm Ali. It's always Kaitlyn who gets to be called gorgeous and who gets all the attention. Just great.

I finally got up and went to take a quick shower. I have school today and it's as exciting as getting my period every month. I changed into some light blue jeans and a simple white tee which has "I live to die" printed on it. I put on some white sandals and looked at myself in the mirror. My long brown hair cascades at my back and i put it in a messy bun. I'm not ugly or anything but I'm not exactly gorgeous either. I'm an average. I'm insecure and I hate it. And Kaitlyn comes into the picture. Making a fake facebook account is wrong but it's pretty much the first thing that crossed my mind when I got a good look at myself. It was only temporary since I just wanted to try it but as time went by, I earned some friends and guys who I nonchalantly flirt with. Someday, i'll let it go. I promise.


I arrived in school with a big startle. Why you may ask? Because I'm currently lying down on the ground with a certain brunette on top of me.

"Get off me Audri!"

"What? Is it bad to hug my bestfriend? I'm afraid NOT!" She says as we both got up. I narrowed my eyes at her,

"What's going on?"

"What? Nothing's going on. What made you say that?" She asks all innocent like but I'm not falling for it.

"You're jolly and all but you actually get hyper when you get excited about something" I paused for a moment thinking about what possible reason there is fo--

"Oh stop thinking! I'm just so excited for Friday's game" She squeels with delight and i can't help but laugh.

"Okay okay, friday can wait. C'mon, we have a class to attend to" I say just in time as the bell rings.


It's lunch time now and I'm walking towards my best friends with a tray that's pretty much as heavy as a six-wheeler truck. Dan and Chandler haven't arrived yet while the girls are so engrossed with something I can't quite figure out and I can't help but wonder what new gossip there is. Hmm, maybe it's about that 8th grader's horrible hair cut. Might as well join in "Hey guys! What's up?"

Their heads jerk up to where I was and I finally got a good look at what they were so engrossed in. Kate was holding her phone and handed it to me with too much excitement. I curiously looked at it and can't help but roll my eyes. How can i forget? My friends are actually into cute guys. I looked at the screen again. It's some guy wearing a dirty plain white shirt with a football in his hands and a big charming grin plastered on his face.

I must admit, that guy is some yummy eye candy but my friend's doesn't need to know that. I'm a pretty reserved person and i'm not one who actually spends the time looking at a guy's photo at school.

"Well? Isn't he a darling? I would so take him in bed." Audri says giddily

"Ahh, let's better get out of here Dan. I'd rather talk about turtles than men". Chandler says while Dan just chuckles in response as they both take a seat.

"Don't be such a kill joy Chandler. He's at least hotter than you. You're just jealous, Ha!" Audri, being the childish one, sticks her tongue out ay Chandler and he unsurprisingly does the same. Kate gives Dan a kiss and I roll my eyes and look at the charming guy in the screen again.

"Woah woah woah woaaaah, tell me your "yummy guy of the day" as what you girls call it isn't who i think it is". I slightly jump as Dan looks over my shoulder and looks at Kate's.

"Ughhh, why? I just found him in Nash's facebook page and can't help but save his pic. Omg! You know him don't you?!" Audri than jumps up from her seat and 'attacks' Dan. I swear, she's the perfect definition of a fangirl.

"Stop it you crazy woman! You scratch like a cat. Calm down!" Dan tries to pry her hands away and successfully does it. "Answer the stupid question then, Dan. Who's that guy?" Audri asks impatienly. Dan sighs,

"He's Ashton O'Collins.He's the quarterback of Vesthills Highschool."

All of us went silent and all I could think of is, Oh.

"Wait, why are we guys so silent? What's the big deal anyway?" I asked while everyone rudely rolls their eyes on me. Such great friends, I tell you.


Hi guys! Omg, 3 votes hahahaha that's a good start! I guess... Anyway, let me know if you like my story. Don't forget to Comment and vote! xoxoxoxo

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