Insecurity kills the cat

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This story purely emerged from my oddly imaginative mind. Which means that whatever scene or situation that seems to be familiar to you is highly coincidential. Now that we got that straight, you may now proceed :)



Life never fails to surprise me. Oh no, scratch that. Life never fails to dissapoint me. Here I am sitting in my usual seat with my eyes wide open and a scowl that could kill a freakin' owl. Okay that last one is way out of the topic but I actually have no care as of the moment. Why? I just received my test paper in History. A test that got me worked up for a whole week and got me so confident about. To say that the result was highly disappointing is such an understatement for my grief. It's heart breaking! I got 48 out of a hundred. There goes my self-esteem. I sighed heavily and chose to accept the fact that I'll never be good at this subject.


Ah, the sound of freedom. I hurriedly packed my things and headed for the door with my other classmates with the same scowl plastered on their faces. Ha, guess I'm not the only one. I headed straight to my locker and practically shoved all of my things inside it.

"Oooh, someone's not in a good mood today", my oh-so-loving best friend stated the oh-so-obvious. "You don't say", was the best comeback I could think of since I had no energy to think of anything better.

"How much did you get in your History test?"

"I got a freaking 48, Audri. 48"

"Awwwe, there'll always be a next time you know" She told me as we both scurried along the hall way off to the cafeteria.

"Exactly! And this time, i'm gonna get a 49! yay" I said sardonically. All she did was roll her eyes in return.

After getting our lunches, we went to our usual table where our other friends are. You see, i'm not really popular. In fact, I try my best to avoid attention. I'm also contented with the kind of friends i have right now. Well, there's Audri who has been with me since the day I transferred here in Oakridge High school. Then there's Kate and her boyfriend, Dan. And lastly, Chandler. He's a prankster and as well as a good friend. Despite our contrasting personalities, we still managed to be great friends after all these years.

"Earth to Ali!!" I looked at Audri weirdly as she flaps her arms like a seal having seizure, okay maybe i'm exaggerating too much but it's close to what she's currently doing.

"Stop that, do you really want the school nurse to think that you're out of your mind and drag you all the way to the clinic?"

"Oh my glob Ali! That was one time. One time!"

"Okay okay" I held my hands up in defense. "What were you guys talking about anyway?"

"Oh you mean, what were we talking about while you completely zoned out? Seriously Montgomery, that's a bad habit of yours." Chandler countered. We call eachother with our last names. I have no idea why and so does he.

"I was not --

"Yes you were. Anywaaaaaay, the game is next friday and we're all coming!" Chloe cut me off. I shook my head in complete disagreement. "No thanks guys"

"Awwe, c'mon Al! It's our last year! Besides, we watch it every year."

"I know, Audri but. It's just that. I don't know. No offense to the school or anything but we've lost 3 years in a row and i don't think this year's any different"

"Ouch. Great way of insulting the team Ali" Oh riiight. I forgot about Dan who's part of the football team.

"Sorry" I sheepishly smiled at him

"Nah, no big deal. But, i am expecting you to come so i could prove you and your cynical mind wrong"

Great. Just great. Guess i'm going out next friday night.


Lunch time passed by like a blur and as well as the rest of the day. After my mom picked me up from school, she instantly left as soon as we arrived home. Having a mother who is a doctor has its perks, but most of it just sucks since we rarely have time for eachother. Having no dad didn't help either. I haven't seen him since the day he left 8 year old me and my mom.

I rushed inside the bathroom and had a quick shower. I need to get rid of the germs education has given me in school. Call me dramatic or whatever, but my mom's a doctor and showering actually helps in keeping me away from school illness. After taking my quick shower and dressing up in my pjs, I opened my laptop and went to facebook since I'm homework free today (yayy). I logged in and opened my notifications. Nothing interesting really. Just likes, comments, tagged photos and game requests. Ha, I rolled my eyes as I rejected them. Seriously? I'm sorry but i'm not into slaying dragons, nor am I interested in handling a virtual farm. I logged out and logged in again. Not as myself though, but as Kaitlyn Jennings. Call me a liar and all but this is my bittersweet escape.

I made a facebook account as Kaitlyn when i was in middle school. Through this, i made friends from other countries and even flirted with some guys. I found her face through tumblr. Her real name's Jessica Ravins and she was drop dead gorgeous. We're pretty different. She's blonde, I'm brunette. She's tall, I'm a midget. She's gorgeous, I'm plain old Ali. I know this is such a bad thing to do. That's why I promised myself to get rid of this. But not now. I will when I'm ready to let go.


Oooh, someone's in for a chat. I looked at the name and realized that she's the New Yorker who I've been chatting for 6 months. We've become great friends.

Kylie Henderson

Hey K! How'r you?


Superb! You?


Freakin' bored -.-

We chatted for an hour or so until she had to go. Yep, welcome to my life. Twisted, complicated and filled with lies. This is certainly the best of both worlds.


What do you guys think? This is my first ever story and i hope you guys like it. Let me know so i could update asap! Comment and Vote <3 xx Love you all

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