Chapter 23.

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The room filled with complete darkness as the lights went off. The wind outside blew harshly causing it to whistle the rain hitting the windows. The lightening was the only light that filled the room once in awhile. My body jolted with the sound of the loud thunder clapping. I got off the sofa looking around for any flashlights Harry might have. The room was pitch black as I used my hands to help guide me throughout the living room. I found nothing to use as a source of light causing me to groan. I walked into the kitchen carefully looking for some matches to start a fire as the room temperature dropped to freezing. My legs had chills as they were exposed. I peeled open the draw digging through carefully. I found what looked like birthday candles, I tossed them back into the draw closing it opening the draw next to it. I ran my fingers through it feeling a sharp object slice my finger.

"Ow." I breathed out feeling the blade. Of course a fucking knife cut me. I held my finger slamming the draw shut mad as I walked slowly to the bathroom. I placed my one hand on the wall as I walked making sure I was okay. I opened the cabinet in the bathroom grabbing the box taking out a bandaid, right next tot he bandaids was a small box of matches. Confused on why he had matches in the bathroom but happy I can finally get the fireplace started. I ran my finger under the faucet cleaning the wound out before peeling the bandaid opening wrapping it securely over my finger.

I headed back into the living room sitting my knees against the cold floor as I opened the small gate. I didn't know much about starting a fire but it couldn't be too hard I thought. I reached over grabbing three small pieces of fire wood laying them inside the fire pit. Next to the fireplace was a stack of newspapers assuming this is what Harry uses. I crumbled the paper up sticking in between the pieces of wood. Opening the small box of matches I pulled one out sliding it against it trying to spark a light. The first one didn't light so I chucked it into the fireplace pulling out another. The little piece of stick caught fire making me smile as I pressed it against the newspaper watching it start to catch fire. It took awhile for the wood to catch fire but eventually did. The room instantly starting to fill with warmth. The fire light up the living room making it easier to see. I looked down at my wrist seeing the light purple fingerprints left from Harry. I shook my head forgetting about what happened not too long ago. I realized my dress was still wet from the rain still making me cold.

I carefully walked to the staircase seeing the darkness upstairs that the fire light didn't reach. I walked up slowly trying my best not to make a sound because I didn't want to see Harry. I pushed open the door walking slowly to the bed digging through the duffle bag trying to find an outfit in the dark. I grabbed whatever I could find and grabbed the blanket off the bed heading down the stairs again tiptoeing.

I walked over to the fire dropping the blanket onto the sofa. In my hands was a pair of black comfy shorts and a grey tank top. I peeled the straps off the dress down my shoulders letting the fabric fall from my skin dropping to the floor. I stepped out the dress tossing near the sofa on the floor as I pulled the shorts over my legs. I tossed the tank top over my head sitting down right in front of the fire place, wrapping the soft blanket around my body. I heard the fire crackling as I watched the flames moving. I saw the bookshelf that had a few books of Harry's on it. I got up looking for something to read as in seeing there's nothing else to do. My fingers crazed across the books picking out a random one. I sat back down on the floor getting comfy against the blanket peeling the book open. The inside cover had a small note written across it.

Never hide who you are my love. Someone will understand. -E

I wondered who E was. There was nothing else written down, was E a past love Harry had I thought. I opened to the first page reading the first couple of lines. My mind was lost in the book taking in every single word like it related to me. The book was about a boy finding himself through hard situations growing to find who he truly was. The person who wrote the note probably dedicated this book to Harry. I could tell part of him was disappointed in himself probably having lots of regrets in life. I don't know what caused him to be the way he was. Harry was dark and mean but also had a little heart to him which I think he fears letting that side show.

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