Chapter 32.

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I woke up to the soft feeling of bed sheets covering my body as my face was planted in the pillow. My head was pounding as I opened my eyes looking around the dark room. My long hair covering my eyes my arms spread across the soft sheets.. I lifted the sheets noticing I was in a complete different clothing, Harry's black t-shirt hugging my skin. My mind wandering trying to remember what happened. The last thing I remembered was dancing with some guy name Lewis I think. I groaned sitting up putting my hand on my head. I reached over to the lamp flicking it on letting my eyes adjust to the light. A small glass of water sitting on the nightstand the clock reading 3:30a.m.

I noticed the familiar room as I was back at the cabin. My mind thinking of Harry being in here.Parts of me missed him, missing the feeling of his hands touching my skin, missing his presence. A deep sigh left my lips as I flung my feet against the cold wooden floor getting up slowly as I felt myself getting dizzy. I walked to the door my hand grabbing onto the cold doorknob pulling it open the hallway filled with darkness. I turned my head to Harry's room seeing the light on while the door was slightly cracked open. I tiptoed over to the door looking through the cracks seeing Harry on his bed leaned back against the headboard shirtless. I watched as he was focused on writing something on the note book that was pressed against his legs.

My eyes wandered on his body taken in the imagine of his toned skin is hair falling slightly in front of his face. I tapped lightly on the door making his eyes snap over while he stopped writing. He closed the book putting it down on the red sitting straight up as I pushed the door open standing in the doorway.

"Hi." I spoke gently my fingers intertwining with each other as I felt nervous standing there.

"Hi." He whispered his eyes watching me closely. I wrapped my arms around my chest taking small steps into his room stopping a couple inches in front of him. My head hanging low staring at my bare feet.

"You changed me." I stated my eyes looking at the black material that smell just like him.

"You threw up on your clothes." He laughed quietly feeling the embarrassment hit my cheeks. I wasn't a drinker I didn't care for the taste of alcohol nor did I ever care to get wasted but parts of me were mad at him so I drank for whatever reason. I watched as he stuck his hand one reaching for me to grab it. I slowly unfolded my arms grabbing his hand as he pulled me in between his legs my hands being planted onto his shoulders.

"Why did you drink tonight?" He whispered his hands holding onto my waist as he rubbed through the shirt trying to comfort me. I think deep down inside he knew I only ever picked up a drink to forget.

"I was mad and I didn't want to be mad anymore." I played with the ends of his hair feeling the softness through my fingertips. I could smell his shampoo from where I was standing as it filled my nostrils. His strong arms wrapped around my body falling right underneath my butt as he pulled me closer feeling his chin hit right below my boob.

"Mad at me?" He mumbled against his shirt feeling the vibration as he laid his head softly on me.

"Yes." I hated being mad at people. It was an exhausting feeling that did no good to me causing me to stress about a situation that could easily be fixed. I knew Harry wasn't the type to express how he felt about things but the fact that we can share intimate moments with each other made me feel sad that he felt like he couldn't talk to me.

I felt him sigh against me pulling his head off my chest looking up at me only a few inches since I was so short.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you angel I know you were just trying to help but I'm not used to the fact someone wants to listen to all the bullshit I go through." My finger moved from his shoulder to his cheek rubbing against the skin softly taking in his words. Harry was so pure in my eyes. No one understood him for who he was there minds already making excuse about him. The Harry I met at the club was totally different than the one sitting right in front of me.

"I feel like I don't know you Harry." I whispered looking down at him. That was the truth. Harry was a mystery to me.

"It's hard because you shut me out but I feel like I'm so open with you. You give me nothing to go off of." I could feel the big lump in my throat as I spoke the truth.

"I know." His eyes looked like they were filled with sadness. I wasn't sure what this beautiful human was going through.

"So tell me stuff Harry. Give me something, anything please." I practically begged him my eyes looking into his with some sort of hope. I watched as he teared his eyes away from me dropping his hands from my waist as he looked down at the floor not saying anything. I shook my head giving up slowly as I pulled my hands away from his face backing away from his body. I turned my back to him walking towards the door feeling slightly annoyed. As I was almost out the door the sound of his voice made me stop in my tracks.

"Cherries, I don't like them." His voice was quiet making me turn around making sure I wasn't hearing things.

"Cherries?" I asked raising my eyebrow looking at him with a confused look.

"The taste is disgusting. I like kiwi though." Why were we talking about fruit.

"I can play the guitar. I used to play a lot when I was in middle school." My heart flutter at the small attempts of him sharing little details of himself. I leaned against the door frame as I stared at him taking in everything he's willing to share.

"I broke my arm twice. I hate the color green, it reminds me of puke. I like wearing black, it goes with my tattoos. I don't like wearing hats except beanies." I walked into the room taking a seat on the bed my leg hitting against his a small smile on my mouth.

"I figured you liked black." I laughed looking down at the material covering my body. Hearing a chuckle come from his lips as he placed his hand on my thigh feeling the coolness of the rings on his fingers.

"I'll try to be more open angel, just be patient with me."  His finger rubbed gently on the exposed skin making the goosebumps rise his hand just falling where the shirt ends. I nodded keeping my eyes on the metal on his fingers. I never noticed what his rings were until now. One was a band with small letters on it saying E.R.S not understanding what that meant and one in the shape of a rose. I noticed he wore rings all the time but never really took the time to notice he detail. I ran my fingers over the cool material locking eyes with him seeing a small smile on his lips before he leaned in giving me a small peck on my cheek.

Before I could say anything about the letters on the ring I was pushed down onto the mattress Harry hovering over my body leaning close to my ear before his words hit me like bricks.

"Now let's talk about your punishment for grinding on another guy angel."

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