Chapter 26

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Harry POV

I watched as she fell asleep against my chest, her small chesting moving slowly as she breathed in and out. Soft snores fell from her mouth as I played with the ends of her hair. She was so beautiful it was hard not to stare at her. Her hand laid against my chest while I rubbed circles onto her back soothing her. The moment we shared not to long ago played over and over in my mind. The way she fit perfectly with me. Her voice soft as her moans left her soft lips. My lips tingled whenever they kissed hers. I didn't plan to kiss her, I was shocked myself when I did it. I knew she deserved better than me and I knew deep down inside I should leave her alone but something about her makes me drawn to her. She makes me mad but also fills my heart with this happy feeling that I never feel from women. Parts of me feel guilt whenever I raise my voice at her but part of me isn't used to it. I'm an asshole, I've always been one but she makes me wanna be good to her.

I smiled as she twitched in her sleep holding onto my chest tighter like she didn't want me to go anywhere. I've never let a women sleep next to me or let alone cuddle me. I hate affection, one reasons why I wouldn't date. I'm not romantic I don't see the part in buying girls flowers when you can just fuck them and make them feel good. I wouldn't mind buying her flowers though. I've noticed when she's really happy her eyes crinkle in the corner as a spark fills her light brown eyes.

A deep sigh left my chest as I watched her. A part of me felt this sadness knowing I'd never be good enough for her. She's the type of girl who would date a guy who has his life figured out and wasn't covered in tattoos and piercings with attitude problems. She likes guys like Liam which is problem why for the first time I've gotten a feeling of jealousy. Who the hell am I to get jealous over Liam. I ignored the thoughts playing in my head and closed my eyes holding her close. I felt myself drifting into a deep sleep.

I groaned as the sound of music played from the kitchen rolling over to find out I was alone. I snapped opened my tired eyes as the small figure that was once next to me was gone. The fire was out and the sun was shining through the windows. I noticed I was still naked from last night as the flashbacks hit me. I shook my head not trying to get a boner this early in the fucking morning. I reached over grabbing my clothes that I wore last night sliding the boxer briefs up to my waist. I noticed my shirt was missing probably somewhere in this living room. I through on the pair of sweats brushing my fingers through my hair. The smell of food filled my nose as I headed to the kitchen where the music was coming from.

My eyes widen as I saw her with nothing but my black t-shirt falling right onto her thighs. Her back was turned to me as she did a little dance with her hips to the song playing on her phone. A smirk formed on my lips hearing the song Teenage Dirtbag surprised she even listened to this music. Her head bopping  to the song as she was completely unaware I was leaning against the wall watching her eye move. My black t-shirt raised on her thighs a little making me bite my lip. I would totally fuck her against the counter if she'd let me. My eyes trialing up and down her body my mind flashing back to her naked chest against mine. The way her body arched against me as I made her cum, her toes curling in the blankets as her fingers tugged onto my hair. My mind snapped back to focus when I hear her yell as she finally noticed me there.

"You scared the shit out of me!" She laughed as her hand clung to her chest. Her hair was in a ponytail with small glasses covering her eyes. I didn't know she wore glasses.

"Sorry Angel." I smirked as I fully stepped into the kitchen looking at what she was making. It looked like she was making pancakes as she had a spoon sitting in a glass bowl a small mess on the counter.

She noticed me looking at her mess as she picked the bowl up mixing the spoon. "I figured I'd make some breakfast." She mumbled out a small smile placing on her soft pink lips. God I just wanted to taste them again.

"Would you like some help?" I asked knowing damn well I didn't give a shit about making pancakes but it gave me a chance to be near her.

Her smile grew bigger as I saw the crinkles on the side of her eyes nodding. I walked around the island grabbing the bowl from her hands mixing it gently. She leaned down on the counter my t-shirt rising showing her perfect legs as she chose another song. She looked better in my clothing than I did. I wonder if she really knew she was wearing my shirt or if she just threw it on to cover her skin. Her hips moved back and fourth as the song of Miley Cyrus played making my eyebrow raise slightly. She turned around grabbing the bowl from my hands grazing mine with hers placing it on the counter before grabbing my hands.

"Dance with me." Her smile was big as she tried to get me to dance along to this terrible song.

"I don't dance angel." My voice was calm as her feet moved to the beat. Even in this silly moment she was the most beautiful girl I laid eyes on. The way her hair bounced in her ponytail as she jumped up and down. The way her hips swayed to the beat her soft voice singing along to the lyrics. A small laugh fell from my mouth as she bowed at the end of song.

"Very impressive." I clapped as she tried catching her breath. She smiled at me as she grabbed the bowl again holding it in her smalls hands. Her stomach was against the island as I stood behind her but close enough to see what she's doing. My body missed the feeling of hers, wanting so badly to just feel her warm skin. I stood closely behind her just a couple inches away her bringing my finger up to her arm slowly trailing it to her shoulder. I felt the small goosebumps raising on her skin as she kept her focus on the pancake mix. I placed both my hands on her shoulders rubbing softly as her breathing slowed. I brought my lips down to her ear gazing my lips against her softly.

"You look so sexy in my shirt." I whispered hearing her take a deep breath in. I brought my lips down right below her ears planting one gentle kiss to her skin.

My hands leaving her shoulders grabbing onto her hips lightly pressing her forward into the island giving her no escape. Her butt was pressed up against my sweatpants. I kissed softly down her neck feeling the pulse inside her quicken. Her skin smelt like pure vanilla making me go crazy inside. I sucked gently onto her shoulder blade a small whimper leaving her mouth as she mixed the mix faster trying not to give me what I wanted. My fingers gripped into her hips pulling her against my body my hand sneaking to the front of her waist slowly lifting up my shirt. Her breathing no longer steady as she placed her head back against my shoulder. My fingers felt the material of her underwear causing me to smirk. I placed my fingers on top of the cloth material feeling the wetness she already had. I rubbed against the material causing friction a moan falling from those pretty lips.

I watched as her hand gripped the wooden spoon as she felt my fingers against her core. As much as I wanted to feel her tightness around my dick I had to stop before I fucked her against the island. In one quick motion I flipped her over grabbing her thighs making her jump placing her on top of the counter. The bowl still in her hands.

"As much as I wanted to fuck you right now angel, we have stuff to do." I breath out pulling her against my lips feeling the softness I wanted to feel the minute I woke up.

Her lips will be the death of me.

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