Chapter 4- Spread Your Wings

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December 23, 1986

"So you really had a dinner date with Roger last night?" asked Brian jokingly. I looked at him, a handsome man with dark, thick, curly hair, hazel eyes, a cute smile, and a prominent nose.

We were in a park that the Queen boys had wanted to take me to. The weather was chilly, and snow lay on the ground. Brian May and I were sitting on a bench, John was watching the clouds by himself, and Roger and Freddie were standing by a tree smoking cigarettes.

"Not really a date. We just ate pizza and talked a bit."

"Roger said that you cuddled..."

"He told you about this?" I gasped.

"Eh, yeah. Some. Sounds like you two had fun."

"I suppose we did, Bri. He said he loved me."


"As a friend."

He brushed a lock of his hair behind his ear. "It's safe to say that Fred, John, and I feel that way about you."

"Roger is special. I feel connected to him somehow." I looked at him as he stood about 15 meters away, giggling between smokes.

"He's something, isn't he?"

"Yes..." I sighed. "But I don't know how to talk to him. I really like him, and I want our friendship to grow, but I'm afraid."

"Well, you keep on talking to him. I myself am somewhat shy, so I know how it feels. Don't be afraid."

"Thanks Brian," I whispered sincerely.

"Be confident, Ella. You're a beautiful, clever girl. You need to realize that. Christmas is in two days, be happy!"

"I will." All of a sudden, something cold and wet hit my cheek, then I heard a contagious giggle. My head jerked to the side, and I saw Deaky holding a snowball.

"John, for shame!" scolded Brian. "Ella and I were having an important conversation!"

Deaky still laughed, then hit Brian with a snowball. Soon, I was also laughing. My hands scooped snow off of the ground and into a round ball, which I threw at John, who ducked just in time.

Before we knew it, all five of us were engaged in a full-scale snowball fight. It must have been quite odd to passersby, had there been any, seeing grown men playing in a park with a 22-year-old girl. It was indeed a fun morning.

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