Chapter 7- Friends Will Be Friends

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December 25-26, 1986

When I woke up on Christmas morning and looked outside, I didn't see any snow, but I was still happy that it was finally Christmas. Mum and Dad had invited me to their house at 7 pm for dinner, but I didn't know what I'd be doing until then. I looked at the clock and realized I had only slept for 7 hours, so I decided to make myself a double shot of espresso.

The little tree on my coffee table seemed even more magical now that it was actually Christmas Day. I sat on my sofa with Smoky on my lap, trying my best to take in all if my feelings. Last night... What happened? Was it a dream? Maybe I got drunk and couldn't remember whether things were real or not. No, I only had two drinks.

I turned on my radio to a station that was playing Christmas carols, and I sang along to many of them, although I never liked my singing voice. As I was doing this, I expected a telephone call, but then decided to take matters into my own hands and call Roger.

"Hey, who is it?" he asked.

"Ella. I called to say Merry Christmas. I thought you'd be the first to call!"

"No, I had to stay at home and take care of the kids. It's Christmas, and they wanted me to watch them open their gifts."

"Children..." I remarked. "I know what it's like to be a child."

"Same, actually!" he laughed. "Do you plan on having children when you're older?"

Hmm. "What kind of question is that? I think I'd be too busy to raise kids, let alone get married."

"Well, you never know," Roger said. "Hey... Sorry for embarrassing you last night. With the kiss."

"You didn't embarrass me. I'm just so happy to have you as a friend."

"Aw, thanks. Well, all of the lads and I are pretty booked up today. See you tomorrow?"

"Deal," I replied. "Nice to talk to you."

"Always a pleasure. Bye."

The rest of Christmas Day was average, just as it had been every other year. Around noon I went to church, then to my parents' house for dinner at 7.

Surprisingly, John. Brian, Roger, and Freddie showed up at my apartment the following morning, carrying presents.

"Merry Christmas, boys," I said. "Technically, it's still the Christmas season. Welcome."

"Ohh, I like your tree!" John exclaimed, examining my coffee table, where Smoky was curled up.

"You have a cat?!" gasped Freddie, scooping my cat up in his strong arms.

Roger took all of the presents and put them on my kitchen table. "We brought you gifts. Individually, from each of us."

My face fell. "I wish I had something to give you in return."

"It's alright," he responded. "Your friendship is gift enough."

A few minutes after. I opened the presents: a watch from Deaky, a bottle of red wine from Freddie, a box of fine chocolates from Brian, and a blue knit scarf from Roggie.

"Thank you so much," I said, impressed by my friends' kindness.

"So... Ella..." teased Freddie. "Roger... Are you going to kiss for us again?"

I playfully punched him in the shoulder. "Don't suggest that, Fred."

"Hey, I'm all for it," replied Roger, and we all started laughing.

We didn't end up kissing again, at least that morning, but still faced a lot of teasing. Of course, nobody seemed to mind. I had a good time, joking around and chatting with them. I never wanted it to end. Luckily, it didn't have to.

"Would you mind if you could come over to my house again? On New Years' Eve?" Freddie asked.

"I'd love to. What better way to ring in the New Year than with friends?"

It was the day after Christmas, and everything felt great.

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