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December 31, 1986

"Are you ready, loves?" asked Freddie, as he paraded around the living room with a feather boa draped around his neck.

"How long until midnight?" asked Brian.

"Less than four minutes!" Freddie exclaimed.

A large group of people, though not as large as the group that attended the Christmas Eve party, were gathered, some sitting on sofas, some on the floor. My estimate was about 23 guests, apart from the host. I was seated on the edge of the sofa, next to Roger.

I looked at the clock, which most people's eyes seemed to be focused on. 11:58. Any minute now...

Freddie handed out noisemakers to the guests, then took his seat on a dining chair. He turned to John and nodded. Some guests kept talking, but my eyes remained on the clock.

"Silence, everyone!" shouted Freddie. "We're going to count down from 30 seconds! The current time is 11:59." A sudden hush fell upon the group.

"Here we go," whispered Roger. Then the second hand moved towards the 12...

"30, 29, 28, 27,..." we chanted. I could feel my heart beating faster. I didn't know why I was excited, but I knew that the next year was coming up: 1987.

"18, 17, 16, 15,..." I looked at the Queen members for a few seconds, hoping for the best in the new year.

"6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Noisemakers rang through the room, and some people started kissing. Then before I knew it, Roger pulled my face

to his. Yes, it was going to be a happy new year indeed.

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