Chapter 10: A position of Power

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3rd POV

Back at Beacon Academy, a few hours have passed after the events that took place in the alleyway with Y/N and Yang. The professors came in after a few mins to rescue the two students and went back to Beacon academy safely

Y/N was now in the clinic since he passed out during the trip back to Beacon and this made Yang worry again since they don't know if Y/N was still in pristine condition after what just happened in the sewers. Right now he was sleeping while Yang was just by his side taking a nap as well while sitting beside his bed.

Just outside of the clinic door, Professor Ozpin, Glynda, and General Ironwood can be seen outside

Ironwood: Ozpin. Explain to me why did you let that kid loose in the city?

Ozpin: He wanted to investigate the missing Grimm that wasn't recorded in the Grimm books. I gladly told him the location since he was eager to learn despite the risk.

Ironwood: To be honest, I don't worry about the Grimm. The only thing that I'm worried about is you let that ticking time bomb to the city where he might destroy innocent lives!

Ozpin: Trust me. I know this young one does not have any kind of intention to harm innocent lives. And besides,

Ozpin motions his hand to Yang

Ozpin: You should learn to trust him James.

General Ironwood leaves frustrated with the left remark of Ozpin. This made him sigh and observed Y/N again

Ozpin: Sorry about that Y/N. Now, how are you feeling?

Y/N: Kinda, dizzy still. What happened anyway?

Ozpin: Glynda and I found you, in an alley. We felt that you were in danger so we went to you immediately.

Y/N: Thanks Professor Ozpin.

As Y/N was talking to Ozpin, the blonde beauty began to move her head and slowly opened her eyes. Y/N looked at her and was shy after realizing what happened yesterday with her.

Y/N: Hey... Yang...

Y/N said this with a shy smile while scratching the back of his head. Yang was happy to see Y/N and proceeds to hug him immediately

Yang: Thank you OUM you're alive! Please don't ever do that again.

Y/N: *Chuckles* Sorry Yang. Just got um. Carried away I guess.

Yang: Just because you were able to kill thousands of Grimm during the Initiation, doesn't mean you can do everything on your own.

Yang hugs Y/N tighter while making a pouting face. This made Y/N chuckle again as he proceeds to caress Yang's cheek.

Y/N: Thank you Yang. For saving me, however can I repay you.

Yang just smirks and motions her lips. Y/N was confused and Yang got a bit annoyed since he didn't get it. Yang just grabbed Y/N and kissed him on the lips. Y/N already expected this coming so he just went along with it, kissing her and fighting for dominance. After doing so, Y/N was able to stand back up again and was now admitted out of the clinic



I was back at my room, just got back from the infirmary. I'm glad that the headache that I had seemed to fade out, and, I still can't believe what happened after. ME! With Yang?? I don't.... even know if I'm enough for her. I just proceeded to do my usual exercise routine while waiting for the next class. Kind of excited since it was Miss Goodwitch so it's combat class time. 

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