Chapter 14: Under My Strings.

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3rd POV

In an unknown abandoned place, Yang can be seen unconscious on the floor with her mouth and body covered with tape making her unable to move. She slowly opens her eyes and regains her consciousness and is confused about why she ended up in a place like this

??: Look, the bitch is awake.

Yang then notices two guards standing between the door holding firearms and was wearing a white mask which represents the clan of the white fang

Guard 1: Well well, looks like she can't do anything to us. What do you say we have some fun with her.

Yang then moves back slowly towards the wall behind her while feeling anger and a bit of fear as the two guards slowly moves towards her

Guard 2: Don't be shy, we're just gonna have some fun with you that's all.

As Yang closed her eyes and was about to face a traumatizing act, a gunshot was heard and as she opened her eyes, one of the guards had a hole in their head and was now a lifeless body

??: Tsk, what did I say, on not, to, touch, our, prisoner? Does it sound like a hard instruction to follow hm?

Guard 1: Sir, please! I AM SO SORRY!

Yang was still mesmerized by what just happened and shifted her eyes to the man that shot one of the guards. Her emotions were mixed on seeing Roman Torchwick

Roman then shoots the guard on the shoulder while the guard quivers in pain. He then places two more shots on both legs, the guard backs away in a corner and couldn't move anymore since he was stuck now

Roman: Now I must ask you, did you. learn your lesson?

Guard 1: YES. YES SIR!

Roman: Oh, good. 

Torchwick pats the guard and proceeds to head to Yang, but he looked back at the guard again and pointed the end of his cane on his forehead, and pulled the trigger. The guard was now dead as Yang screamed a bit but this was muffled due to her mouth being covered still 

Roman: Greetings Ms. Yang Xiao Long. I believe we have already met before

Yang shows anger and grunts as she tries to remove the restraints on her but fails to do so

Roman: You should just relax. Because a show of a lifetime is about to begin. 

Yang then raises an eyebrow as a sign of confusion on what Torchwick is pertaining to

Roman: I'm sure you are thinking right now, "What show is this devil wretch saying". Well, Ms. Long, I cannot give you much detail about it. But, I can show you one thing.

Torchwick brings out a remote from his pocket and motions it to the screen in front of Yang as it shows a picture of Y/N

Roman: This man! Is the main act of the show.

Yang: No.... Y/N....


Y/N: 20 Hours......... 20 Hours........ Yang

I can't think straight...... Why does Torchwick, want me to kill, Ozpin? I'm starting to think I should have a talk with Ozpin, this place doesn't feel right anymore

I was currently walking my way towards the building where Ozpin's office is located. I just wish Ozpin was there or else-

Roman: Tick. Tock. Time is moving Y/N. 

Y/N: Fuck. Get out of my head!

Fucking Torchwick, he's playing games with me. Maybe slapping myself might work.

Y/N: C'mon Y/N. C'mon. Think, think, argh. 

I then stopped what I was currently doing since I noticed that I am already in front of Ozpin's office. I then opened the door and was greeted with the sight of the man I'm looking for, Ozpin.

Ozpin: Afternoon Y/N. What brings you here?

I was... Silent still. Should I really do this? For the sake of Yang? To hell with it then.

Y/N: Ozpin, I need to ask you something. What's your relation with Salem?

Ozpin just took a sip from his cup and acted like he had no idea what I'm talking about.

Ozpin: To be honest to you Y/N, there is nothing between me and Salem.

Y/N: Then why the hell did I start to get visions of her. She and the Grimm tearing down the campus and everyone was dead, and she blamed all of it on me. and you.

Ozpin: Y/N. My relationship with Salem was perhaps something that is precious to me in my past life. But now seeing her like this, she is not the woman I used to love. It is a long story Y/N but perhaps I shall tell you another time then. 

I had no reaction to what Ozpin just said to me and I proceeded to draw my sword as I point it at him.

Y/N: Ozpin, I'm sorry for this. 

I then charged at Ozpin but my blade was blocked with Ozpin's cane. He then kicks his table towards me and I jumped in order to dodge it. Ozpin tried to strike me at the head with the tip of his cane but I raised my sword to block it and I knew he was going to do that and punched him in the stomach region. He crashed onto the wall and I grabbed his cane and threw it outside. Ozpin was coughing as he was now lying on the ground, I grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall. 

Y/N: I'll be honest with you Ozpin, I'm being forced to do this but, now I'm starting to feel like you're just feeding bullshit to all of these students here, to a battle they may not win!

Ozpin: You. Don't. Know. Y/N. I believe in the. Students here. They can. Defeat. Her.

Ozpin said this while he was struggling to speak due to me choking him. 

Ozpin: Please. Don't do this. Y/N. We can. Save Yang...

I was shocked by the last word Ozpin mentioned and it made me let him go from my grip. I then started to punch myself to wake myself up from all the manipulation that was fed into me by Torchwick. I'm not falling for his games.

I was lost, I attacked Ozpin for no reason and I've caused destruction in Beacon. Does Eloi, know what I just did? I shook my head to get out of a trance and went to Ozpin 

Y/N: So Ozpin, do you have an idea where Yang might be? 

Ozpin: Yes I do. But you're not going to go alone, you will be accompanied by the rest of the members of Team RWBY. Understood?

Y/N: Yes sir. And, I'm sorry. For trying to kill you. It's just.. I never was involved in a hostage situation especially if the victim is someone that you really care about.

Ozpin: Do not worry Y/N. All is forgiven. But perhaps I want you to remember one thing Y/N, you are needed for what is planned for Salem. 

I nodded at Ozpin and proceeded to exit the room. I then headed out to the dormitory to gather Ruby, Weiss, and Blake. We're coming to get you, Yang. 

End of Chapter 14

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