As Cold As Ice

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"I'm so flattered. That was quite an introduction you two gave me" I whipped around at the sound of the voice and my eyes met Rancor's bright red ones. I glared and he looked pleased.

"mmm that's a wonderful emotion, Jack. I just love hatred. And this world is saturated with it." he said as he jumped up onto a railing and stared at the giant globe.

"What do you want?" I asked as he raised his fists and chose a stance for the undoubtedly coming fight. Rancor laughed and pointed at the globe.

"I want to destroy it, of course."

I couldn't help myself. Here was the man who had kidnapped my mother before she got the chance to tell me who she was and we were playing sitting duck? Uh, no thanks.

I jumped at him and shot an icy cold blast straight at him. He vanished and the blast froze a yeti to the floor. I gritted my teeth and blocked out the shouts from North, the yeti's, and the other guardians. I kept blasting cold breezes straight at him but he kept dodging them like it was Childs play.

"cmon Frost, I had hoped you'd have more skills than this!" he laughed as he shot a single red beam at me. I dodged and fired my own blast that barely missed him. I gritted my teeth and flew after him. The red beams mixed with the cold blue streaks as our fight went on. I kept missing by, like, one centimeter.

I landed on top of the globe and sent one huge shot at him. It hit him in the chest and he froze over. I grinned but suddenly he vanished and my ice that had trapped him melted like it was ice cream in the Bahamas.

I looked around and saw it.

In my fight I had destroyed the toy factory. Yeti's stared at the frozen ruins of their years work and elves tried to defrost the ones that were frozen. I couldn't believe it...I had done that!

I landed and North stared at me like I was crazy. Tooth looked nervous and Bunny just looked shocked.

"Jack, what was that about?" Tooth asked quietly.

"Rancor! He was here!" I shouted only to have them stare back at me.

"you're seeing things, mate." Bunny said. I looked around for signs that Rancor had been there....there was only ice.

"he was here! I swear! Didn't you...couldn't you see him?" I asked but Sandman shook his head. North glanced at the guardians then at me, "Jack, Rancor wasn't here." he looked tired and sad and suddenly it hit me.

I had ruined Christmas.

I had single handedly destroyed the majority of the toys.

I turned and jumped into the sky. I couldn't bear to have them look at me like that. I wasn't crazy, Rancor had been there! He just...just tricked me. My eyes stung but I kept flying, having no idea where I was headed. Somehow I ended up in a little town just south of a big city where a little boy named Jamie had first said my name. I landed in a tree in front of his house and just stared. It had been a couple years since I had last seen Jamie. I needed someone to talk to.

"yeah, whatever, Mom." a deeper version of a familiar voice said as the door opened and a teen stepped out. I gasped and jumped down. He couldn't have grown up! No! He can't! I ran right up to him but he walked right through me. I gasped and the tears in my eyes threatened to fall.

"Jamie! Jamie please see me!" I shouted but he kept walking. I ran in front of him and tried to make him see me but he kept walking. I froze the ground in front of him but he just stepped around it. I made frost patterns on the wooden fences but he didn't notice. I made a snowflake hit him in the nose, that's usually how people get to see me, but Jamie just shivered and kept walking. I stopped walking and watched him walk up to a house and knock on the door. A beautiful brunette girl answered it, I immediately recognized her from the last time I visited Jamie...she was the second person to start believing in me. I started to hope that she might be bake to see me and I ran up the drive way and watched as she just said-

"come on in, Jamie, it's cold out here."

And that was that.

They went inside and closed the door.

They couldn't see me.

They didn't believe in me.

I was invisible again. My breath started to catch and I could feel the unnatural hot water coming from my eyes. I jumped up but the wind only carried me to a tree. I sat there and just cried. I, Jack Frost, actually cried. But hey, you would too if you just met a mother you never knew existed, ruined a major holiday, made your friends think you were insane, and found out your only normal friends didn't believe in you anymore.

It was official. I was having the worst day ever.

And it could only get worse.

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