Cold Hearted

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I must've spent hours in that cold. But it felt so good to be where no one was. Where I could do or be or say anything I wanted. To be alone. I was spending so much time with the Guardians that I completely forgot about my need to be alone. I'm winter. I don't like the whole 'togetherness' concept of summer or any other time. I like being alone.

I enjoyed not being bothered by people or spirits. So when night fell and dropped the temperature even lower below zero I only smiled to myself. This used to be my everyday life, before I joined the Guardians.


I threw a snowball against a cavern wall making a single splash noise ring out in the dark.

"nice throw." a deep voice completely void of expression said. I rolled my eyes and turned around hoping it was someone I knew. But of course, it wasn't.

"thanks. And you are?" I asked sarcastically as if I actually cared. Tall, dark, and not-so-handsome seemed pleased with my question. He smiled making the overly-tanned skin crinkle with dimples. I rolled my eyes mentally. Why do all the bad guys dress the same? I mean there's Pitch-black trench coat and black pants. Now there's this guy with almost the same look except he's wearing more of a sports coat and black jeans.

"strange. I know all about you but you know nothing of me?" he sounded like he was offended.

"you expect me to?" I asked.

"you will. I'm about to become very influential in your life. Jack Frost, my name is Rancor."

"should I care?"

"do you care about her?" suddenly a beautiful woman, with hair as brown as soil and eyes as green as grass and dressed in a one sleeved dress that started green and melted into a variety of gorgeous colors that was ripped in a diagonal from right to left, appeared by his side. She had her hands behind her back and her bare feet were chained together with a glowing red light.

"Jack!" she called and looked as if she might cry. I awkwardly smiled and gave a half wave.

"who is that? And I should care why?" I asked. Rancor laughed like I had told a joke. The woman looked incredibly hurt and looked away.

"Jack Frost-meet your mother-Mother Nature."

I stood there gaping like a fish. Instantly instincts took over and I pulled my staff but Rancor snapped his fingers and a glowing red light like the one binding Mother Nature's feet and hands, appeared around his hand. He put his hand up to her head and she winced and tried to get away. It was hurting her.

"stop!" I shouted with hatred obvious in my voice. Rancor closed his eyes and smiled like he had just tasted the best food in the world.

"mmm...they're right. Your emotions ARE the most delicious." and with that Rancor and Mother Nature disappeared.

What. The. Fuck.

I had a Mother? Well obviously I had a mother everyone has a mother, but mine was alive? And even bigger-SHES MOTHER NATURE? How come the moon didn't tell me? I glared up at the moon but no answers or excuses came. I kept glaring as I jumped into the air and flew straight to the north pole. The Guardians had some explaining to do.


The doors flung open with a rush of cold air. All the yeti's and elves turned to look at me.

"where's North?" I almost yelled. I didn't wait for an answer. I stormed all the way to the workshop that I knew Santa Claus would be in. I shoved the door open and glared into the shocked faces of Bunny, North, Toothfairy, and a girl I didn't recognize.

"Jack! How are you!" North bellowed. He tried to wrap his arm around me as if to comfort me and treat me like a child. I pulled away and literally gave him the cold shoulder.

"Jack, whats wrong?" Tooth looked concerned.

"look, Frostbite, we're in the middle of something here, mate. Maybe if you come back la-"

"when were you planning on telling me?" I cut Bunny off mid-sentence. Tooth and the girl gasped while Bunny glared and North just sighed.

"Jack, please understand I was just trying to protect y-"

"protect me? Protect me! By lying to my face? I asked you North! I asked you if I had real parents. You lied to me!" I practically yelled. I was so angry. This entire time I'd ask Tooth or North if they ever knew my parents, if i ever had a family and they'd always tell me that my parents were mortal like my sister. They'd lie.

"I think you need to calm down." Bunny said as he stepped in front of North. I hadn't even realized-I had drawn my staff and was aiming it at North. I shook my head and let it shrink into a paintbrush.

"why'd you lie to me?" I asked quietly.

"Jack we had too...your mother, she's very powerful and when she had you...she couldn't keep you Jack. Your father wasn't a were in danger constantly for being her son. She had to keep you safe so she..." Tooth's voice faded away.

"she gave me away." I finished. North put his big arm around my shoulders. One of his arms was practically the weight of my entire body! And it weighed down on my shoulders as he guided me out of the office.

"let's talk," he lead me around the factory like the first time I had ever visited. Only this time I had gotten to know my way around. "Jack, your mother, she is Mother Nature, yes? And Mother Nature is very powerful. No one expected her to do what she did and when she fell in love with your was big surprise for all of us. Then eventually she had you. You were so cute, like little baby doll on Christmas eve!" I laughed at his description. Of course he'd slip some sort of Christmas-tie into this.

"Jack, your father didn't know who your mother was. So when she told him...he didn't want anything to do with either of you. Your father was a cold hearted man," he looked at my face and saw the shock,

"he wasn't ready to care for a child quite like you. He was afraid and he ran away... Someone once said having child is like having the heart walk around outside of body all the time, that was extremely true for your mother. She loved you so much. But Jack, the enemies were after you. You were a way to get to user and since you were mortal..."

"I was an easy target." I mumbled. He nodded solemnly.

"She asked for my help. I said she should hide you in the arms of the humans, and she did. You were safe. Then once man in moon chose you, we all thought you could rejoin your mother and become a great season spirit. But she was taken, Jack. We had no idea who had stolen jeer away but today we got a hint. Cupid came back. Cupid is the spirit of Love and her older brother is the spirit of Hate. His name is"

"Rancor." we said together.

No One Loves the Cold-Jack FrostHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin