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Different. Many would comment and exclaim that it was a good thing. It makes the world even more interesting. But have you ever wondered, that being different also results in receiving hate and causing wars. It causes some to be left out in the harsh cold while others sit by the warm fire. I can't tell you much about my past. My only memory was waking up on the shore of the lake one night, feeling sick in the stomach and most importantly, feeling.... alone.

"Where am I?" I asked out loud, expecting an answer. No answer came.

"Who am I?" I questioned as I rubbed the back of my head, trying to ease the sharp-stabbing pain. I looked down and examined the calm waters of the lake. Through the shatters of broken ice, I could make out my reflection. The boy staring back at me was almost unrecognizable.

I had white hair that fell messily around my ears and eyes.

I had pale blue eyes that shone with intensity.

I had ghastly white skin.

I had slightly pointed ears.

I had snowflake-liked freckles on the back of my hands.

I sunk my hand into the icy cold water and swiped away the reflection. I can't look like that! I looked like some freak!

I started to cry. That can't be me in the reflection. I had a life, I had a family...don't I? Why can't I remember anything? I jumped into the lake and tried to drown myself but when I did, the ice reformed underneath my feet. I landed on the solid surface without plummeting to my death.

That was when I found out about my special powers, and in that moment everything changed. I wasn't just some other guy. I was...different. I was special. I could control the weather. I made a paintbrush that could turn into a candy cane shaped staff whenever I wanted it to. With the paintbrush, I could control my powers easily and master the weather.

After all, I am the only winter sprite.

I am Jack Frost.


"WATCH OUT! SLED COMIN THROUGH!!!" I shouted as I flew my makeshift sled over a snow pile. The sled was made of a giant piece of bark and about twenty icicles. I crashed into tree branches and knocked my head.

I started laughing and pretty soon, Wind picked me up and set me gently on the ground. You see, Wind really likes me. I don't really know why because it's not like I ever did anything for her but for some reason, she favours me over any other sprite.

"Hey frostbite! Watch where you're landing!" Bunny shouted at me. I laughed as my landing splashed a wave of freshly fallen snow over the 6'1 gigantic rabbit. He wiped the snow off his face and shot daggers at me with his green eyes. I stuck my tongue out.

For some unknown reason, the Easter Bunny hates me. Well actually it's a known reason. Think about it, Easter comes during spring and that's when the weather melts away my precious snow only to replace it with a...bunny rabbit? What is this! So I always try to make sure to save some snow for Easter morning. Just to annoy Bunny.

I looked over at the ruins of my sled and sighed. Yup, it was ruined. I waited for Bunny to yell at me but he stayed quiet. I could tell he was hiding something from me, but I cant't put my finger on it. I looked over my shoulder at him but he was gone, in his place was a red poppy - the flower of Easter.

"I thought that all the secrets would stop." I said to no one in particular. I picked up my staff and jumped into the air. I want to find somewhere cold and quiet.


"C'mon, Claus, we can't keep it from him forever!" Cupid practically begged. She was a beautiful blond girl with blue eyes and bright red lips. She wore a silky white toga and her signature heart arrows slung over her shoulders. But right now she was floating over Santa Claus almost begging for him to allow her to tell the boy.

"No, Cupid. We all agreed to let Mother Nature and Father Time tell him." Claus said firmly. Cupid's wings dropped.

"Puh-lease??? You know those two, nothing will ever get done! And he'll never know!" She begged. Santa looked over at her and shook his head making the white curls in his beard bounce.

"No, Cupid."

"Oh look! Bunny's back!" Cupid said the moment she saw the giant rabbit enter the room.

"Bunny! How are-"

"That good-for-nothing frostbite almost hit me with his sled!" The angry Easter Bunny cut St. Nick off mid-sentence.

"We were just talking about him!" Cupid laughed with a bedazzling smile.

"Are you going to tell him?" Bunny questioned, curious.


"You can't keep it as a secret forever."

"Yeah, he has the right to know!" Cupid smiled. "That his own Mother's been kidnapped."

"Or that his mother is Mother Nature." Bunny added.


The centre of Antarctica is the coldest place in the world. It can go down to a negative one hundred and twenty five degrees. So naturally, that's where I went. Being a living icicle, I can stand extreme colds. I also feel sick when it's hot. That's just part of the thrill of being the one and only winter sprite.

Being this far south, I feel closer to the sky. I don't know...maybe the man on the moon wants to tell me something whenever I'm here. I looked up at the moon.

"Why? Why don't the secrets stop?" I asked slowly.

No reply.

"Please? Just one answer? I just want to know..."

No reply.

"What are they hiding from me?"

The same thing happened.

No reply.

No One Loves the Cold-Jack FrostWhere stories live. Discover now