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Thank you guys so much for the support on the first chapter! I'm glad you all are enjoying this story :)

There was music/dance room. Jadyn stopped for a while, looking at the big board on the top of the room, as this was his first class after he finally chose music/dance instead of latin/greek. It was a shocker to everyone, "jadyn didn't choose language for the first time!" What a shocker. He looked inside the tiny window on the right, noticing the room in-charge teacher, Ms Potts, checking her schedule sheet. He quietly stepped inside which startled the teacher.

"Goodness Jadyn! You scared me, maybe make a louder stomp next time you enter." The teacher said.

"Haha, apologies for that." Jadyn replied in a non-guilty manner.

"Well, you are quite early aren't you? There's still some free time left." The teacher said still facing towards her sheet.

"Yeah. I didn't really had anything to do. I guess." The purpled hair boy replied while sitting down. "I've never been the first person in a class so this is quite cool." He thought to himself.

He felt a chill up his spine, and felt a rush of cold sad air.
He looked back. And there it was, the famous mannequin everyone has been talking about. It looked about 7'1 feet, with this unnatural figure. He just starred at it.
"Is that really haunted?" A thought came across his mind.
He looked forward again, and while putting his hand on his neck, he asked,

"So, Ms Potts." Looking at the mannequin again he continued,
"What do you think about the mannequin situation?"

Ms Potts stopped shuffling her papers, and replied,
"You shouldn't think about these things too much Jadyn."

"Do you think the mannequin is really...doing all this?"

"...Well. These spirits, etc don't exist."

"Then..what about the thing happened with Mary?"


"Jadyn. These things aren't real. It's the power of belief from people which makes them real. That's why they say 'think positive'. And if you don't believe in them, they aren't real."

There was a wave of silence in that room. The mannequin was there, standing as still as a normal mannequin, nothing abnormal. Jadyn kept thinking to himself, "I knew that this is all bullshit."

35 minutes had passed, the class was almost over. Looking at the clock hanging above door, Ms Potts said,
"As always, no student came, except for you Jadyn. You can go now."

She let out a huge sigh, definitely annoyed with the fact that the mannequin is preventing students from entering her class.

"Well, I shall go now." Jadyn got up and starting walking towards the door.

As he was walking out, he was almost feeling pity for his teacher, because she probably doesn't get paid much considerating that she has no pupils.
She used to teach Math, but her lack of experience got the best of her. She first was deducted from teaching 7 graders to teaching 2 graders. After that she got fired from being a math teacher, but she came back begging for a job.
Finally after three months of interviewing, Ms Potts was assigned as the dance/music teacher. But no luck, "the haunted mannequin" news started to spread. It originally was kept for costume tryouts, but it totally went out of its job. More and more students started skipping that certain class, and the amount of complains the principal got, he couldn't do shit.

It was now lunch time. Jadyn went towards his group in the lunch area, where Alec, Eve and McKayla were sitting. He got his lunch and sat down with them.

"Late here too?" McKayla taunted.

"Shut up. I had to return the survey papers I was advised to complete by Mr Joshua." Jaydn replied annoyed.

"Well, that's what happens when you do shit and get in caught." Alec said while punching the straw in his milk carton.

"No shit. Jadyn has a habit of getting caught while doing literally anything against the rules." McKayla added.

"Wow great friends I have there." The purpled haired boy replied.

"Guys cool. Let's not fight okay?" Eve hurriedly said before they start fighting for real.

"Okay, okay sorry jadyn lol" The girl in pig tails said opening her chip packet.

"Anyways I wanted to ask you about something, Jadyn."

"Go ahead Eve."

"You went to that room today right?" She said with hesitation.

"Uhm..yes." Jadyn replied without hesitation.

"Wait, you went for real? Are you bonkers?" The blonde boy said almost spiting his drink.

"That's risky man" McKayla added.

"Well.. I'm alive. And here safe and sound, so there's nothing to be scared of really."

"Who knows you might be possessed!" McKayla said imitating a British accent.

"...come on, stop scaring me." Eve replied.

"Jeez, okay I won't say that, easy."

"But I noticed one thing. Ms Potts looked depressed." Jadyn said in a low voice, almost whispering.

"Well, that's expected. I mean she probably barely gets cash." Alec replied.

"Lol sucks to be her."


"Sorry jeez."

"Do you guys know that they say the mannequin only comes after you if you perform the one man hide and seek?"

After a few minutes, the loud school bell rang, reminding them of their last three periods. They all cleaned their bench and returned back to their classes.

The entire time only one thought was stuck in Jadyn's head, "One man hide and seek..? Will it really come after you if you perform that?"

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