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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K+ READS ! 🍀🍀 I'm really thankful, so here is the final chapter! Sorry for being so inactive, I was taking a break from writing. But now I'm back, so hope you enjoy <33

It was a new morning, Jadyn got up, ready to find out about the connection with the mannequin. When he entered the school, the school was even more quieter because of the murder. Barely any one was visible, it was almost as if it was an abandoned old building. He walked inside his classroom, only to see Alec standing there alone. 

"Where's Kayla and Eve?" Jadyn asked while walking up to Alec.

"Eve transferred to another school. Mckayla is not coming for a few days." The blonde by said looking dissapointed.

"Oh. Alec listen to me carefully. We have to find out about that mannequin." Jadyn added without hesitating.

Alec looked shocked, and somewhat terrified. He wasn't expecting Jadyn to ever bother doing something about the thing he calls 'fake shit.'

"What can we do?" He then questioned.

"I have this feeling that someone is behind all this. They are doing this either to get this school closed, or god knows what their intentions are. I have a plan." Jadyn said before he went over to his desk, dropped his bag on the table and got a book out.

He then explained everything to Alec. About his plan he has been working on all night. 

"Alright let's go"




"We need to find a way to sneak in first." Alec whispered to the boy next to him.

"No shit." Alec replied.

They both waited for the officer outside the room to move so that they can get in. When the lady did move, they quietly tip toed and got inside the room. And there, they saw the mannequin, standing there just as she always used to. They went closer towards it.

"Okay, now we write the note I made on it." Jadyn said taking a maker out.

He then gave it to Alec to write, as his handwriting was nonreadable. Alec rolled his eyes at him and then went to write on the mannequin's stomach, as readable as he can possibly can write.

"Okay now according to the plan we gotta wait till we get a response." The blonde boy said backing off and closing the marker. They both walked outside the room, not once looking back and went to attend their classes. 




Around two hours had passed since they wrote on the mannequin.

"Please stop doing this." Is the question they were waiting for a response to. Alec was walking in the corridors to get back to his classroom when he paused in his footsteps. The mannequin was there right in front of him, without her feet touching the ground.  Her head slowly de-attached, and fell to the ground making a loud noise.

Alec ran. His feet had never been faster.

As he was running, he went bumped into Jadyn, which usually was on purpose, but wasn't this time.

"What's up?" 

"Run away." 

Alec ran away without explaining anything. Being the curious fuck he was, Jadyn decided to go in the direction the guy who bumped into him came from. He didn't notice anything, so he walked inside Ms. Potts homeroom, where the mannequin was standing there. Which wouldn't have been so sketchy if she was in the condition he left her. 

The room soon was swallowed by darkness. Jadyn opened his eyes, to see a flashback. He saw her. The girl who went missing in 1989, Racheal. She was last seen in the same room he was in.

"Are you sure you wanna play this?" Racheal asked the girl beside her.

"Of course. Plus you lost the bet, you would have to play it."

"Alright then...did you bring the doll?"

"Oh shit. I forgot."

"Nadia are you serious?"

"Do I look like I'm fucking joking?"

"Well...I guess we can't play it."

"How about we use that mannequin?" Nadia asked while pointing in the far corner of the room.

"But..that thing is bigger than us!"
Racheal scoffed out.

Nadia went up to that mannequin, followed by Jessie who looked miserably at it.

"Okay Racheal, ready to play one man hide and seek?"

"I don't know if this is a good idea.."

"Just do it. You know how it works."
Nadia said, glaring at the girl.

Racheal finally gave in, and started filling the steps.

"Tag you're it..
tag you're it..
tag you're it."

Racheal murmured out. She looked back just when she heard the loud door lock clicking. She ran towards it, yelling and pleading for Nadia to let her out. But Nadia had other plans. She wanted to make Racheal pay for when she embarassed her in front of the whole class.

Racheal wept, and pleaded..but that's when she heard a thump. She looked back hesitantly and saw the mannequin, with knife she had given it, coming closer and closer towards her.
Racheal realised she had to hide...but it was all too late.
The mannequin slashed the knife into her left shoulder, causing blood to oze out of her mouth. As she took her final breaths, the last thing she saw was the murmured out loud, "Tag you're it."

The room was now back to present. Jadyn looked around to see... Racheal. She had a sadened look plastered over her face, and she was standing right where she once laid dead. Jadyn went up to her, and said,

"I can help you get out of here.."

As he reached towards her, raising his hand forward, the girl turned into the huge mannequin, and stabbed his left shoulder. Jadyn fell to the ground..the last thing he saw was the mannequin, murmuring out,

"Tag you're it."

Thank you for reading! More stories coming out soon <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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