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Hello! Sorry for the delay- anyways here is chapter 3!

Warning it contains-
Things that might be triggering ⚠️
Strong language ⚠️

Kindly do not continue if uncomfortable.

Finally it was the last class. Although it was Jadyn's most hated subject, Art, but he knew that it'll be over soon. He looked out the window, admiring a tall tree in the far, possibly more interesting then the scenery the teacher asked them to create. He turned his head back to his desk, staring at his blank white page, while holding a pencil in his hand. He then proceeded to make the tree he was sighting for a quite a while.

He heard a whisper and looked up to see who was it. It had to be one of those three clowns he was friends with, (as they are the only ones who call him jade) but he noticed that they looked extremely invested in their artworks.

"Eh.. probably some dumb prank." He shook his head and thought-told himself.

Just as he was about to throw a curled up paper ball at Alec, the school bell rang loudly. He first cheered up because school was over, but then he remembered that home is worse. Grandma has always been bitchy.

At this point, everyone was heading out and Jadyn had forgot about someone-calling-him-incident from earlier. Him and his people were now walking, heading outside the school gate.

"I swear Mr Joshua is fucking annoying man" The blonde boy said while taking something out of his pocket.

"What did he do now?"

"He took my backup phone and said he'll return it after he gets to talk with my mom."

"Come on. We all know you deserved that."

"I hate you."

"Feelings mutual."

After they were outside, Jadyn stopped in his tracks.

"Jadyn?" Eve asked.

"I forgot my wallet in class." Jadyn replied in a annoyed tone.

"Bro are you serious? The last thing I can forget is my wallet."

"Well Kayla, the thing is that I took it out to pay for the sports event. That's when the art teacher arrived and shoved the 'make a scenery right now' in our faces."

They all laughed a bit, and then agreed to wait for jadyn while he gets his wallet back.

"Okay I'll be quick"

"Oh- and can you maybe like steal my backup phone from Mr Joshua's drawer while you're at it?" Alec said acting innocent.

"Okay-" Jadyn replied while laughing.

As he entered the quiet building, which was quieter than usual because of the recent incident, but the worse part was that it was quite eerie.

He stepped inside the classroom, and noticed his wallet under the desk. He went towards to grab it, and as he was going back he remembered what Alec had asked him to do.

"Ugh. I'm gonna regret this."

He went towards Mr Joshua's table and searched for the phone in his drawers. He was shuffling everything around, but stopped as he heard loud footsteps. He quickly hid under the table as they sounded extremely near, and it would suck ass if he got caught.

Jadyn pulled the chair infront of him, peeking through, he saw someone's shadow.

"Oh it's Ms Potts"

As soon as she left he got up, and thought that the phone is probably with Mr Joshua, and realized that it was getting quite late. He then remembered that Ms Potts had asked him to give his application, of when he changed from latin/greek to music/dance. He took it out from his pocket and went towards the dance room, as she's probably in there cause he couldn't hear her walking around anymore. As he quietly entered the room, he stopped when he heard Ms. Potts.

"You mannequin. You think you can just, come here and ruin my job like this? Who do you think you are?"

She was holding a pen, and Jadyn noticed that there was something written on the mannequin, likely by her.

He looked closer to see what was written.


It was written in bold cursive letters. Jadyn started to think that his dance teacher has gone nuts, and that he should probably not interrupt whatever she's doing right now. He turned back slowly and quietly closing the door, and headed outside.

"God Jadyn what the hell were you doing" McKayla said grumpily.

"Sorry- uh I was um.."

"Did you get my phone?"

"Mr Joshua probably took it home."

"That little shit."

"Welp- let's go home now- we have an assignment to submit tomorrow remember?

Everyone looked at Eve in irritation.

"I don't make the rules.." Eve replied.

"Let's just go-"

McKayla was interrupted by a loud scream, coming from inside the school.

"What the-"

Before Alec could react to that, everyone ran inside to see what's going on.

Jadyn was ahead of everyone, and as he opened Ms Potts' room, his mouth dropped and the color of his face completely drained.

Ms Potts' head was chopped off, it was lying on the ground with the insides flowing out, while the body was hanged with a rope, overflowing with blood. Her guts were spilling out and it looked like the rope was inside her neck.

Eve screamed in horror, and hid her face, While Alec quickly called the police.

Everyone was looking away from the crime scene, but Jadyn noticed that whatever that was written on the mannequin was now gone.

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