Axl Rose #1

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You were at a bar drinking your thoughts away. You were just dumped by your boyfriend and decided just to get wasted and see what happens. "I think you had enough," you heard a deep voice say. You turned to see a 5'9 redhead standing beside you. His face full of concern. "Why do you care so much?" You slurred getting drunker and drunker by the minute. "Your a nice little lady and I don't want anything to happen to you," the redhead said. "I'll drive you home," he added. "No! I can drive myself!" you said getting off of the chair you were sitting at. You tripped over your own feet but the redhead grabbed you before you landed right on your face. "No you can't, I'll drive you home," he said. You nodded realizing you couldn't drive home in a state like that. "I'm Axl," the man said. "Y/N," you said. 

He took you to his car and helped you in. "Are you okay, you seem sad," Axl said. "My boyfriend cheated on me and said I was useless because I wouldn't have sex with him," You said. You felt tears in your eyes. "Hey don't cry," Axl said. "You aren't useless. And it's really dangerous to get drunk especially at a bar with strange men around," Axl said. You nodded. 

He helped you to your bed and watched as you fell asleep. He felt a need to care for you. He knew you weren't in the right state of mind. And he didn't wanna leave so he made himself comfortable on the couch and fell asleep. 

You woke up to a pounding headache. You groaned. Axl walked in there with aspirin and some water. "Here take this," Axl said. "Thanks," You said. You took the water and then looked up and him. "Why are you still here?" you asked. "I'll leave if you want," Axl said calmly. "No, I was just wondering," You said. Axl sat beside you. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay," Axl said looking at you with beautiful emerald eyes. 

You sighed and snuggled back into bed. But you moved yourself to where you were by his side. He smiled and moved his hand to run through your (Hair Color) hair. You smiled. You sat up and held his face in your hands. You plant a soft kiss on your lips. Axl wrapped his arms around your waist and brought you close to him. You pulled away and he laid down with you on top of him. The two of you feel asleep happy and in love. 

That's when you knew Axl Rose was going to be yours. And he was thinking the same thing about you. 

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