Steven Adler #2

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TW: Self harm and depression

Steven looked into the mirror, his frizzy hair falling around his face like a lion's mane. Blue eyes Boring into the same bright eyes staring back at him. Taunting him for not being good enough.

The words his band had said about him being the best went through one ear and out the other. His girlfriend had told him he was the best. He was beautiful and kind but he never believed it.

He looked down at the fresh cuts on his arms and sobbed. Why did he have to be such a mess? Why couldn't he do anything right?

Tears began to fall freely from Stevens beautiful blue eyes as he fell to the ground and curled in a ball. Fingers digging in his jeans as he sobbed not so quietly.

The noise woke you up, he felt the bed and found out that your beautiful boyfriend wasn't with you. The horrible heartbreaking noise that had woken you up had been Steven crying his eyes out.

You remembered what his mother had told you when y'all first got together. It was in college, she said that Steven had been bullied most of his childhood and suffered severe self esteem issues. He never showed it to you but according to the bandmates (especially Axl who also deals with self esteem issues himself) says he can see it. The tears streaks on his face, the cuts on his arms, his false smile.

You nudged the bathroom door open and saw your blond baby crying in the floor. It was a sight you never wanted to see, Steven in so much pain.

You placed your hand on his arm to comfort him and get him to uncurl but instead he stiffened and whimpered.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He cried. "Sorry for what, popcorn?" You asked feeling your heart break at the sight and sound of him crying. "For being such a nuisance!" Steven said. "No, you aren't! If you were such a nuisance why would I love you so much? I hate how your mind makes you feel so worthless!" You said hugging Steven. He sobbed and buried his face in your neck.

"Now, stop crying, baby, and let's go back to bed and cuddle!" Steven said. "I'd love that!" Steven said standing up he scooped you up in his arms and ran to the bedroom throwing you and himself on the bed.

"You laughed at his antics as he curled in your arms and smiled weally at you. "I love you," he said. "I love you too, Stevie," you said.

Requested by @NightshadeRed

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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