Coach Hedge is scary

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TW: mention of alcohol, scars

Days passed, and the summerball came closer and closer. Leo tried to ask someone out, but he go rejected every time. So that left him to his first opinion, third wheeling.
He was about to go outside when he heard tapping: •• •--••---•••-• -•-----••-
Leo knew what it was. It was morsecode for "I love you." Leo looked around, but figured it was nothing, so he made his way outside.
"THERE YOU ARE!" Yelled a specific coach.
Leo turned slowly around, remembering that he had skipped the P.E lesson.
Coach Hedge pointed his baseball bat at him, ordering him to do fifty push ups. Leo had never been the strongest kid, so it was really hard for him. Coach Hedge was scary for being a very short man

Leo returned to his dorm, deciding to take a shower, as he was drenched in sweat. His roommate, Justin, looked ar him, and rolled his eyes.
He looked like he was considering something, then looked at Leo.
"Is your mom an alcoholic?" He asked. "Just making sure if the rumors are true."
Leo sighed, remembering the lesson from weeks ago.
"No." Leo answered. "She's... In a better place."
Justin understood, and gave him a look of pity. Leo stepped to the bathroom, deciding it was way better to take a shower than someone pitying him.

The hot water soaked him. Leo closed his eyes. The heat from the water would normally burn someone, but for Leo it was perfect. It kind of stung, because of the scars on his back, but Leo decided to go with it. He remembered how his mother used to sing him a song when he was going to sleep. His mom was never rich. They could hardly afford food for the both of them, so Leo learned to cook when he was very young. Then his mother could take a nap. Leo shook his head. He hated the memories of his mom's death. He stepped out of the shower and got dressed. Then decided to go to sleep.

Can life get worse? (Leo Valdez )Where stories live. Discover now