Dylan the guy made of plastic

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HI GUESS WHOS BACK BABYYYY. Ok I wasn't gone for so long, but I finally had an idea, so I wrote it down. I
Leo cursed under his breath. He normally wasn't the guy to curse, but when someone finds a knife under your bed, well, he had his reasons.
"Why do you have a knife?"Justin asked. He was the kind of guy that if he thought something was wrong, or if someone was suspicious, he would search trough your things until he found something.
"Ha ha... you know... self defence." Leo answered. Justin rolled his eyes, but didn't push it any further than needed. He gave Leo back his knife, and walked to the bathroom, probably to take a shower or something. After he closed the door, Leo immediately hid the knife. This time, in a safer place. Leo sighed. He decided he would go outside, and get some fresh air. But the problem was, once he got outside, he was met by Dylan. Leo forgot he existed, but now he was once again met by the guy made of plastic. If Leo was taller and stronger, he would probably tell him to go back to the trash can, since plastic doesn't belong in nature. But of course, Leo was a small, scrawny child that didn't know how to fight. And he didn't want to get beaten up again. Luckily for him, Dylan didn't notice him, and just passed right by. Leo sighed, but since the world hated him, Dylan stopped.
"Where is the chick?" He asked, making Leo confused. "You know, Piper."

Leo clenched his fist. "My friend Piper ain't no chick, idiot." Leo answered.
"What did you call me?" Dylan asked. Leo gulped. "Idiot."
Dylan's face got red, and he threw a punch at Leo. But Leo had enough experience with getting beaten up, that he knew that most people focused on raw strength. Leo knew that if he used his wits, and was fast enough, he could win the fight. At least this time. Leo bent down just in time, and kicked Dylan in the knees. Not hard enough to break a bone, but hard enough that he fell down and screamed. Leo, of course, ran inside as quick as possible. He was terrified.


"What in the world were you thinking?"  Piper asked. "Don't you know how dangerous it is to get in a fight with Dylan? That guy is a murder machine."
Leo rolled his eyes. "Well, I'm alive, so it's fine."
Piper sighed and sat next to him and Jason. Jason, that haven't said a thing throughout the entire conversation, said:"I think I have to take Leo's side, there, Piper."
Piper gave him a death glare-which was terrifying by the way- and leaned back in the chair.
"I mean, you have a point though..." Jason said. "All I'm saying is that since Leo is still alive, and not dead, that it's fine."
Piper sighed. "OK then. I do me and you do you. I'm just concerned."
Leo understood. "Well, I wouldn't call him an idiot if he didn't call you a chick." Leo said.
"He did what?!" Jason asked. "Wait here, I have some stuff I need to do."
Leo and Piper looked at each other with a knowing look, and they both ran after Jason trying to calm him down


DUN DUN DUN!  Anyway, hope you enjoyed, And please vote. DRINK WATER AND EAT FOOD. Until next time, demigods!

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