Happy (plus important A/N)

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Ok. So you probably heard about the Stop Asian hate thing, but I'm trying to help and spred the messege. Not only that messege though.

1. STOP ASIAN HATE. They're NOT a virus.

Covid is NOT They're fault.

2. MUSLIMS LIFE MATTER. They're NOT terrorists.



So I'm probably going to get hate for this, but as a christian, I feel like I have to say it. We chatolic Christians get A LOT of hate recently. Burning bibles is incredibly disrespectful, and some of you may even argue that there's no one that hates christians, but many people do. Almost no one had said it though, because they know people will say something against it. The same with muslims and Jewish people. and many other reglions. Even in Norway, where you can belive in whatever you want to, muslims get a lot of hate and get called terrorists. I even got called wierd JUST because I go to church. People in my class go around saying they're Jesus, something I find incredibly offensive. So please be different and respect those things. We need more people that are able to respect others. Something that people in my class are not able to do.
Hating on Christians is also extremely normalised.
The thing about the world is that the media only shows the bad things about somewhere or someone. A community as an example. How Muslims are said to be terrorists, when its only one thousand out of TWO BILLION.
The Internet really likes to give everything a bad impression, when it can be better that it is.

I'm sorry for rambling. It's just that I get so disappointed when I see the amount of hatred spread around the world.

You get a short chapter. I am trying to write more , but it's a bit hard for me, since I am kind of stuck. I decided not to write an angsty chapter today. because all the other ones are.here you go!

"Is he going to be OK?" A voice asked, obviously concerned. Piper. It was Piper.

"I hope so." Jason answered, looking at his weird best friend.

Leo opened his eyes, and blinked a couple times, adjusting to the light.

"Man, am I in heaven, because I think you're an angel." He said, as he looked into a mirror. Piper and Jason laughed, glad their bestfriend was back.

"What actually happened?" Leo asked, knowing the answer.

"Your roommate found you passed out on the floor. " Jason answered. "He said you had a really high fever, so I think you passed out because of a really intense migraine or something."

Leo nodded. His head did kind of hurt though.

"Man, I'm hungry." Leo said.

Piper rolled her eyes. "How are you even that skinny."

Leo smiled, trying to hide the reason he was scrawny.

"We should go to Mcdonalds or Burger King." Piper said.

"Yeah, good idea." Jason answered. He looked down at Leo whom nodded, fast.

"I'm broke though." Leo said, looking at Piper, knowing how rich she was, with puppy eyes.

"Fine." Piper gave in. Messing up the younger boy's hair. "I will pay."

"Not the hair!" Leo loved his best friends.

Can life get worse? (Leo Valdez )Where stories live. Discover now