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The day had come that the royal consort would pick a poor girl to enter the palace. You were living in a small village, just outside of the city and you were one of those poor girls. You lived in a small apartment with your mother and two little brothers. You were the head of the household since the day your father had left your mother. You worked in a bakery in the morning and in a pub at night. Thanks to this you almost didn't sleep. You had insomnia but you never complained about it and just lived from day to day as it was the only way for you to pay the rent.

You were on your lunch break when you saw girls run around, getting their hair and nails done. It was a sight to see. You were eating an apple as one of the girls started screaming at her younger sister for ruining her dress and you couldn't help but chuckle at this. The girls would attend an official ball in the city. Sometimes you wished you could go as well, just to check it out but you couldn't go as you had to take care of your family. There was no money for expensive dresses or makeup and new hairdos. Also, your little brothers were not old enough yet to work, so there was no way you could leave. There was another reason though, you didn't attend the ball. You had special skills. You could look into someone's heart when you touched the person and when you got upset you could actually hurt someone really badly. People in the village called you a mutant but weren't afraid of you, which was a blessing.

You were rare and definitely not welcome in the palace, which was fine because you did know a few things about the princes that didn't make them attractive in your eyes. Apparently, they were really rude and selfish. You did once see one of the princes throw a girl to the ground, you were not sure who it was but it happened, since then you were thanking your own mind for not attending those balls.



"Aren't you going?"

"To what?"

"The ball of course."

You stared at your only friend who just came back from the hairdresser. She looked beautiful with her hair like that. "I'm not going."

"Why not?"

"Because I have to work silly."

"Yeah but."

"It's fine, I really don't want to go and look at it this way, who will beat you now."

"Very funny even if you would attend you wouldn't get picked." She pushed you gently and it made you chuckle. You could always count on her for being savage. "Sure sure. Just go get ready, I will take you to the gate."

"Are you sure? Do you have time?"

"Yes I have thirty minutes left, so hurry up." You pushed her towards her house. While you were waiting, the streets began to get crowded with more girls. You laughed at some of the dresses you saw and also felt sorry for those same girls. Your best friend came running back and you smiled because she looked stunning. You were lowkey wondering which prince would be the one this time. "It's prince Jimin."

"How did you?"

"I know you Y/n."

You wanted to put your arm around her shoulder but changed your mind as you saw her dress. You were covered in flour and didn't want to ruin her nice dress. You were in old jeans, which had holes at the knees and a black shirt on. You were wearing worn-out sneakers and your hair was a messy bun, there was no way you could touch her right now.

You walked her to the gate and waved as she left smiling. You sighed and turned around the second she was out of sight when you got knocked down.

"YAH!" You yelled as you got back up. The second you did, you regretted your outburst because in front of you brushing off the flower from his clothes was non-other than prince Jimin. He looked really annoyed. You immediately started to pray he wouldn't hurt you.

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