02 🥀

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"I finally found you."

You looked at him as if he had lost his mind and before you could stop yourself you had pushed him away hard, using all the electricity you had in your fingertips. He just smiled at you and it freaked you out. He should've been knocked out by that but there he was smiling at you. You jumped up and walked away from him, knowing he would follow you and stop you but when he didn't you stopped and turned around, only to see him following you at a safe distance.

"Why are you following me?"

He smiled and came closer. "Why wouldn't I follow you?"

"Because you don't like me?"

"Oh, but I do."

"Could've fooled me."

"You know why I am following you, you felt it as well."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

You turned away from him and started fast walking but there was nowhere you could go and you could also not enter the classrooms because it was already late. You felt exhausted because you had used your power but for some reason, you also felt the energy flowing through you.

"I didn't know you had powers?"

"Powers? I don't know what you are talking about."

"Sure keep denying it." He grabbed your arm and pushed you against the wall roughly and it took everything in you not to use your electricity. Jimin moved his index finger over your cheek and neck and it felt like you were on fire but a nice warm fire. Your skin loved the electricity he was using. It almost felt like your skin was feeding on his because the surge of energy that flowed through you right now, felt like heaven and you had to actually restrain you from leaning towards him.

He moved closer and for the first time ever you felt your heart skip a beat, not only because he was lethally handsome but because of the link you felt between the two of you. "I know the truth now." He kissed your cheek and walked away.

You were left with your hand on your cheek, staring after him. You couldn't help but feel shocked about this transition. He hated your guts a few hours ago and now he treated you as if you were his already.

"YAH, DON'T EVER KISS ME AGAIN!" You yelled after him and he just waved and disappeared. You walked back to your room and just let yourself fall on the bed. You felt frustrated and were moving your body around as if you had a seizure. "ASSHOLE!" you screamed into your pillow. You wanted to punch Jimin in the face but the thing that bothered you the most is that you wanted to kiss him badly. You never had felt like that about a guy before but of course, it had to happen with the guy who had mistreated you.

You woke up with a thumping heart, not sure why but when you turned your head, you moved back with so much speed that you literally fell from the bed. You landed on the ground with a hard thumb and just stayed there for a few seconds. Jimin was looking at you from the bed, with the biggest smile on his face, which you really just wanted to rip off at this moment.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" You yelled at him as you moved away from the bed. You moved until your back hit a chair and stayed there, glaring at Jimin, who had let himself fall back on your pillow. It was a shame really because now you had to burn that pillow because of his scent.

"Why are you here?"

"You have dance class with me."

"Yeah I know but why are you here in my room?"

"I wanted to see you, do you know you mumble in your sleep."

"I hope I was cursing at you?"

"Hmm, hurry up."

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