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He definitely hadn't been expecting this but it didn't take long to recover from his surprise as his arms pulled you closer. He gently kissed you back and for a few seconds, you finally were able to relax as his touch felt electrifying but soothing at the same time. When he pulled back his hand lingered gently on your cheek. "We have to go back." He mumbled softly and you instantly felt nervous again because his mother would definitely seek revenge on you.

"Do we really have to?"

"I'm afraid so."

You sighed and turned around back to the horse and got in the saddle by yourself and waited for Jimin to take his seat behind you. "It will be okay."

"Hmm, if you say so." You knew things were about to get worse but you just hoped that from now on, jimin would be there to have your back. The second the palace came in sight, the tension started to build again, this building felt like an actual prison. Jimin pressed a light kiss against your head and you know he did it to calm you down but there was nothing that could make the negative feelings go away.

Jimin helped you get off the horse when your assistant came running and you could tell she was angry. She probably got scolded by the queen "Y/N WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" she screamed at you and you immediately started to bow until Jimin stopped you by grabbing your elbow. "Stop bowing, she is just a mere assistant.

"How dare you scream at my fiance." Jimin put up his Prince's voice and you could tell she was shocked to hear him talk to her like that. Her eyes flickered from him to you and back. "I'm sorry your highness but she should be in bed. Her schedule starts really early in the morning."

"It does?"

"Yes you brat, now walk with me." she tried to grab your wrist but Jimin pulled you against his chest and safely kept you there. "If you don't mind I will bring my fiance to her bedroom door."

"Your Highness, I can't allow that."

"Excuse me?! Who are you that you think you can tell me what to do?"

Jimin's grasp became tighter and pulled you with him past your assistant. She started to run after the both of you, whilst begging Jimin to not make it any harder and him ignoring her made you anxious because sure it was good that he was keeping you close to him but you just knew things were about to get a lot worse because she was going to report this to the queen.

"Jimin maybe I should."

"No, I will bring you to your bedroom and if anyone has a problem with it, they will have to address me."

You sighed because he didn't understand the stress you were under but then again you also didn't want him to leave you, so, for now, you would just follow him without protesting and hopefully, his mother wouldn't do anything too bad. When you reached your door he pushed you gently against it and kissed you. "I will see you tomorrow and if anything happens just scream my name, I'm right across from you."

"Okay." He kissed you once more before he left and it was as if your skin knew that once you got in your room, you would have to face trouble. You weren't wrong because the second you turned on the lights, you were met by the queen patiently waiting for you at the fireplace, which was burning.

"Your majesty." You quickly bowed as deeply as you could but she wasn't having it and your eyes grew big when you saw her pick up the fire poker and the end was still red. She grabbed your hair and pulled you back roughly. She immediately put the poker in front of your face and never in your life had you been this afraid.

"Please don't," you begged her through your tears. You didn't know why she hated you so badly but never in a million years did you expect her to use things like this. You could feel the electricity move your skin and as you tried to hold back, she moved the poker closer. "I Told you to stay away from Jimin."

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