chapter 1

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"your negativity ends here Nightmare!!!" ink preached to nightmare who just had to witness his friends and family die right in front of him bye someone he thought was his friend.

"I'm sorry brother you do not deserve the mercy of a painless death like them you deserve to die in the void and get ripped apart piece by piece for what you have done!" dream yelled with a pissed off face. 

blue looked apologetic but I knew it was fake he was the one who killed them in the first place. I growled and spit in inks face it was priceless but not as priceless as getting my friends back. my smirk quickly vanished. " 'growl' blue you piece of shit how could you, we let you in our home we treated you like our friend ERROR treated you like his friend and this is how you repay us you said you did not care when you told you we could not tell you why we did what we do you, said you believed us when we told you it was for a good cause, you said you would help us through anything because we were friends .... you ...were 'sniff' my .... friend were.... 'sob' there friend!" I said with so much Hirt in my eyes.

blue whimpered and stretch stud protectively in front of him and started to console him. I was beyond pissed he did not deserve to feel better he was the one who killed the most of my family.

"ENOUGH!!!!" ink yelled so loudly my noun existing ears could fall off. "you do not get to speak blue did nothing wrong he saved the multiverse with his riotousness and bravery you killed thousands and thousands and made sure that they suffered before death so they would be begging for it you deserve nothing even error was better than you he at least gave them a quick death but you, your are a true monster." ink spat with venom laced in his voice and every one on the AU nodded.

so that's why they killed error and the rest but kept me alive to throw in the void they think I torchured( sorry can't spell for shit soooo ) the people I killed to gain negativity. well sorry to burst there bubble but I only killed the people who wanted death or attached my gang. I created too much negativity already its also why I was on even terms with dream when it came to fighting I would be much stronger but I had a balance to keep.

"he he HEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU THINK I MADE PEOPLE I KILLED SUFFER BEFORE ENDING THEM!!! HAHAHHA." I couldn't help it they were just too stupid if they even looked into it a little they would think it strange that the balance was even but nooooooo they thought I was going around causing negativity when all I really was doing is fixing my mistake! but they do not deserve that they deserve to live and die in this multiverse without negativity without destruction and then, THEN they will know what true suffering is when they don't feel sad when someone close to them dies when they don't feel anger when someone killed you when they don't feel pure joy after finding out they got an A after hours of stressful studying and the feeling of accomplishment you get for getting through the hard times and when everyone starts to miss negativity they will die in the void after one too many AUs are created. if only I could see their face's when they go looking restlessly trying to find the new destroyer only to realize they wasted their time and everyone is going to die the most painful death JUST LIKE ME! hah wouldn't that be a sight to see. I thought smiling one of my creepy smiles causing all of the sanses to go pail and ink and dream and the bitch blueberry to draw there weapons probably thinking I was planing something. 

"enough talking, do it." ink told dream.

dream looked hesitant but stepped forward none the less "Brother I'm sorry it has to be this way but it is what's best for the multiverse you have committed too many sins to give you another chance ......... I miss all that we did together but you are no longer my brother you have changed too much ............ I'm sorry" dream said just before pushing me to my death in the void. but to all of there surprise I did not shout in protest or cry for forgiveness what I did suited my stile much more I showed them the middle finger as I fell to a supposedly painful forever death with the smuggest smile I have ever worn confusing so many and my last words were " good luck." hah you should have seen there faces! because I didn't I was too busy falling to my death but I bet it was great.

then out of nowhere I felt something carry me somewhere else it felt worm and before I passed to all I could here was "good luck my Childs best friend I hope you live a much happier life do not worry I have taken your friends souls to someplace safe although they will not remember you and you will never see them again I hope you find some comfort in my words good bye." then every thing went black and I lost consciousness but not before letting a single tear fall for my fallen comrades and friends in hopes they become happy like they deserve but also sad that I will never see them again.

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