chapter 4

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*******the name midnight is the winner hope you enjoy the chapter!********

"my names midnight." I said and they seemed to believe me so I sighed in relief internally. 

"wow thats a nice name well midnight how are you feeling?" error said after hitting other me with a news paper and pushed him aside before he could say anything. 

"I'm good but where am I?" I asked 

"oh your in our hide out we found you unconscious in the woods so we brought you to the hospital but that didn't work out so we brought you here." replied error. 

"oh." I responded. nightmare pushed errors face away in a playful manner that seemed to annoy error. 

"now that introductions are over why don't we watch the best movie of all time. Star Wars!" he said excitedly. cross just ran to the tv and grabbed the remote. 

"uh what is Star Wars??" I asked. it was a strange name for what I assume is a movie or tv series. they all just gasped and moved my stolen hospital bed closer to the tv demanding I watch. after about two hours or so the movie was over and well something they were so happy about wasn't very good in my opinion but that was something I decided to keep to myself. 

after everything they decided to make dinner I wanted to help but they said getting out of the bed was a bad idea they didn't know the first thing that was wrong with me so until they found a way to get me a proper check up I was stuck with there weird but appreciated suggestions. though I know more about being a healer than any of them because of my experience with treating my own team so I know better than any of them that I am just fine I decided to humor them. 

after about a week they finally decided to allow me to walk around unsupervised and alone. this wasn't because they chose too though they needed to get new supplies and to do that they needed all of them working together so there would be less chance one of them would gat caught and more of a chance to be successful. its been a few hours now and they still haven't come back.

"where are they? they cant be that bad at getting supplies that they have been caught have they??" I thought out loud. I was pacing back and forth in worry this past week I have begun to really care about them well it would be kind of hard not to since they care so much for me even though they know nothing about me. I mean nightmare was worried at first about my negativity even if it was suppressed it was still more than a normal monsters but when I told him I wasn't comfortable with talking about it he backed down of course before that he told me I could trust him if I wanted to talk but it was still a very nice gesture. 

I couldn't take it anymore so I tracked their emotions and teleported to the general area to where they are. I didn't know if where they are is dangerous so I decided to teleport a little bit away so I can asses the situation. weirdly when I was done teleporting what was in front of me I was not expecting. a huge golden castle with guards everywhere was not something you see everyday. not only that but there emotions were telling me they were inside the big tacky castle and were panicking a little bit not enough for there life to be in danger but the kind of panic that told me they did not have an escape plan. 

I decided using brute force was my only way in. I didn't know the layout of the rooms and I didn't want to end up in a wall or something so just strolling in and obliterating anyone in my way was the best thing I could come up with at the moment. it didn't help that I was panicking a little. 

I summoned my tendrils something I haven't used since I got here and got to work. every knight or guard that tried to stop me was either nocked out or killed. I didn't care to check I was just focusing on saving my new idiotic friends. once I got to close to the room they were held in I overheard there conversation. 

"error! why didn't you run like I told you too! now we are all caught." nightmare screamed. 

"I wasn't going to just run and save myself while you guys could have been hurt!" error screamed back. 

"yeah? well now we don't have anyone to get us out of here!" nightmare said angry. 

"guys stop fighting it won't help anyway! also I think I heard someone." cross said the last part quietly but I heard him loud and clear. 


"who's there!?" nightmare said defensively. 

"its just me I'm here to get you all out of here." I explained. 

"midnight!?" they all said in unison. 

"yes yes its me now be quite someone might hear you." I demanded. 

"what are you doing here? how did you find us?" error asked. 

"I tracked you down using your emotions." I said softly. 

"wha-" nightmare was about to say something but I stoped him before he could. 

"not now I can explain when we get back to the base." I said exasperated. 

they all nodded and allowed me to continue unlocking the door. once I did that they lead me to the exit passing by the bodies of the guards though a few were just nocked unconscious. they paused in the middle of it all clearly confused and scared. 

"d-did you do this!?" cross asked scared. 

"I said I would explain when we got back to the base now move it all three of you!" I said inpatient. they hesitated slightly but ended up nodding.

"but you are going to explain this the second we get back." nightmare whisper yelled. 

"fine now go." I demanded. it took us a while but we made it out far enough for me to know were we were allowing me to teleport without worrying we would end up in a wall or something. 

so without hesitation is did. 

"now explain." nightmare said seeming quite angry. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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