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I looked down at the paper that was laying on my desk, debating on whether I should rip it up or keep it. There is a new draft law where if mutants sign up to fight in a war and risk our lives we could get a job and try to live "normally". With us mutants there is no living normally, normal isn't us because we live in fear. There I said it, Mutants live in fear, in fear of people that don't understand that we are the same, in fear of dying for something they never asked for, in fear of losing the ones we love.

No regular, normal, human being knows how we feel. We're the ones with power but yet we coward away from the weak because of technology.

"Wanda, you're doing it again." I heard a female say beside me.

"That thing is called thinking you should try it sometimes." I playfully said to my step-sister Rebecca making her laugh lightly.

"About?" I heard her ask but I just looked back at the paper.

"About what?" I asked her and I felt her lightly push me.

"What are you thinking?"

"About why we are treated this way," I said back to her just for her to roll her eyes.

"Wanda, mom and dad tal-"

"He isn't my dad!" I said to her glaring at her, I could feel my power ignite.

"Right." She trailed off.

"Well, the food is ready." She said and I didn't realize that she had gotten up.

"What is it today, yogurt and ice cream?" I asked sarcastically as Rebecca just chuckled.

"No, I think it's pancakes and eggs."

"I'm telling you Rebecca they're up to something, when was the last time they made decent breakfast for us?" I asked and told her.

"Maybe they're just happy we got our mutant licenses and plus they've been doing this for a week and a half." She said cheerfully while walking out of the room.

"Something isn't right, I just feel like they're hiding something." I sighed and got out of my chair and walked to the kitchen.

"Good morning, dear." My mother said and I looked at her confused, she never called me that, now I officially know that something is going on.

"Um morning?" I said to her confused.

"Don't look like that, come, come sit." She said cheerfully and I faked a smile and sat down.

"We're having company soon I want you both to be on your best behavior." Mr. Hoover said, who is, unfortunately, my step-father.

"When are we never," I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes as I picked at the food.

"Wanda!" My mom said and I rolled my eyes again.

"This is just a phase, a teenager phase." I heard my mother whisper to herself.

-knock knock-

"Oh, that's them." My mother said perky and she and my stepdad went to the door. I got up and walked to the window to see vans maybe 4 to 5 vans outside that had two S's on the sides, my eyes started to widen.

"Rebecca they called the Sentinel Servicemen." (Who will be called the SSM later.) I said to her and she looked at me.

"I told you they were acting suspicious," I said to her.

Flares (REWRITE) •The Gifted• DISCONTINUED FOR NOWWhere stories live. Discover now