got your siX

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"Sam you have to focus," I said to him and instead heard groans as his response.

"I'm trying it's a lot harder than you think."

"Just breath, listen to everything around you, and then lift it," I said encouragingly. I noticed that he started to listen to me as he lifted the couch that had a refrigerator, two bowling balls, and Shatter on top. He did two more lifts before putting it all down.

"Good job we'll practice some more next time, go and have the rest of the day off," I said and he ran off.

"Don't strain yourself!" I shouted back as he disappeared from my view.

"He's grown onto you," Shatter said and I chuckled.

"What can I say I have a great personality," I said.

"Hey, um Wanda." I heard Clarice's voice.

"Yes," I say and I saw her get sad.

"I'm leaving the underground." I looked at her surprised and then happy.

"If I could I would leave too," I said to her.

"Why'd you decide to leave now though?" I wondered.

"I found out that Sonya has been doing something to my mind and giving me fake memories of John." I sucked in my breath and clicked my tongue.

"You knew?" She asked and I raised my eyebrow.

"I didn't know she gave you memories of John but I saw something like that in the future I didn't expect her to do it though, I tried to stop them," I said to her honestly and she sighed.

"At least someone is being honest with me."

"I'm leaving because I want to get rid of these thoughts about John, every time I see him I can't get the things we did out my head or the things that were fed into my head out." She said which caused me to have a little sympathy.

"Yeah I think you should leave too things are going to get crazy soon," I said igniting a bit of my powers to run through my fingers.

"You've already seen what would happen?"

"Just a glimpse but it can always change that's why I don't rely on it." She nodded her head and surprised me with a hug and I hugged her back.

"I'll see you later Wanda." She said after the hug and started to walk away.

"Stay safe Clarice," I said and she gave me a small smile.

I walked back to the training rooms and saw Lorna teaching a couple of new mutants. They must have just been rescued it's the only possible answer.

"Hey, Lorna have you seen Marcos?" I asked interrupting her teachings.

"He went with Reed and Andy to Baton Rouge, why what's wrong?"

"I needed to know if the Cartel knows anything about the mental hospitals but I can ask him about it later."

"Class this is Wanda my sister, Wanda meet Naya, Wes, and Skyler." I waved my hand.

"Hi," I said.

"Hello." They all said and I nodded my head.

"So I'm going to go and let you finish training," I said but she stopped me.

"Train with us." She said and I just looked at her.

"Um, I don't know-

"Come on Wanda." She said and I sighed but nodded my head.

"Okay, to start I want everyone to show their power so I can see how to help."

"Starting with Wes."

"Okay, I can create optical illusions simple things to an entire city landscape," Wes said and I was impressed, to be able to make such details is time-consuming. He showed an exact picture of the underground in the middle of Atlanta.

Flares (REWRITE) •The Gifted• DISCONTINUED FOR NOWWhere stories live. Discover now