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"John," I said weakly. John helped me and I felt my blood come out of my stomach.

"What's....happening?" I said as I looked at my hand that was soaked in my blood. I started to lean on John and my eyes felt so heavy.

"Come on Wanda stay awake." I heard him but I felt so sleepy.

"She fell conscious again."

"They both did," Marcos said.

John picked up Wanda and ran her over to the medic room.

"She needs help, she was shot, can y'all get her up as soon as possible."

"We'll try John." A nice old lady named Maria spoke.

"I know, I know Sonya, but Clarice and Wanda are in bad shape, we need to do something for them," John said.

"I've been trying to reach a doctor in Gainsville but it's hard getting help at this time," Sonya said to John.

"We have to keep trying, and we have to find a good place for The Strucker family."

"Johnny I don't think that's a good idea to help them anymore, you almost died because of them."

"We have to help them, Sonya, just let me know what you can do," John said.

"I will Johnny," Sonya said and walked away.

"They're both badly hurt aren't they?" Marcos asked rhetorically.

"They could have died, do you know what you did?!" John shouted at Marcos.

"I was just trying to get Lorna back."

"Wanda and Clarice could have died, and you brought more people into our mess, we already don't have the best doctors, and don't get me started on the food we're running low on," John said.

"I'm sorry John, I know I messed up but Lorna's pregnant," Marcos said.


"She is, that's why I need to get her out."

"You're doing it again, making it all about you Marcos, every time," John said and walked away angrily.

"How are they?"

"The pulse is low but they'll survive, both overused their powers but they'll live, Wanda loss a lot of blood."

"She'll probably need a blood transfusion," John suggested.

"Yeah, your right, who in here has an O blood type?" Red shouted out, but no one answered.

"I...I have O-type blood." A voice was heard and all heads turned.

"Andy no, I will not let you," Kaitlin said sternly.

"I will not allow you to give your blood away."

"Mom she's dying we have to help," Andy spoke defiantly.

"He's right mom we have to help, especially when we were the ones that got them hurt," Lauren said.

"Alright fine but as soon as he starts to faint you are pulling the needle out," Caitlin spoke.

"Alright deal."

"Come on we don't have much time." Red put a needle that was connected to a tub in Wanda's arm and the other end was attached to Andy's.

"Let me know how you feel every 30 minutes," Red told Andy and he nodded his head.

"Do you think it'll work?" Red asked John secluded from everyone.

"We can only hope so and see what happens," John said before walking away.

Flares (REWRITE) •The Gifted• DISCONTINUED FOR NOWWhere stories live. Discover now